Sunday, October 16, 2022

darth rabbi, corn taller than me, and smashing dumplings

First, let's deal with that "Star Wars" meets Asbury Memorial Church thing, right?
Yes, that's Rabbi Robert Haas, as revealed when he removed the helmet.
And just what was he doing there?
Well, he and Billy had a wager on something or other in early summer, and the thing ended in a draw.
As a result, Haas had to come here, at some point in the future, and present a talk and Hester will have to go to Mickve Israel and sing a song.
At last the date arrived, for this GOB portrayal of "The Play That Goes Wrong"... and what a hoot it has been!
I intend to watch the video again and again!
Yes, I was there in person, you betcha, and I haven't laughed that much in a while!
And to see Claire Munich do the hand gesture and say "Live long and prosper", well, that's worth pure gold!
And Billy in a wig to portray Luke Skywalker... priceless!
Yep, yep, yep, there were light sabers blazing, and even Tinkerbell showed up!
i thank You, God!
Then I drove out to meet mi amiga Christa.
Me and the other amigas don't get to see her so much since she moved to Pooler.
She had sent out an email: "Wanna go walk in a corn maze?"
"Sure!", I said!
"Sure!", Sandy said!
That was two weeks ago.
But today, I was the only one that still wanted to head out to the Madrac Farms in Rincon! 
So, she and I walked around and looked at the white pumpkins and the ones with stripes and those with big ol' warts - nice!
Then we went into the corn and got lost a few times, running into dead ends and having to backtrack, but that was just fine.
On such a lovely blue-sky day, with such great warmth - in the 80's again! - this was the perfect day for being outdoors!
As I told Bonnie later, I don't recall ever being in a corn maze before.
That means i can cross this off the bucket list!
Well worth the 63-mile round trip, too!
So, what to do once I was back in the 'Vannah?
Well, why not go ahead and assemble my 33-year-old "permanent" - as Mama would say - Christmas tree?
I had already brought in the box from the shed on Thursday.
And put it together I did, as "The Lawrence Welk Show" regaled me with songs about Los Angeles - or so they claimed.
And I finished the upper half of the tree while "The Carol Burnett Show" from 1973 was playing and making me laugh!
Sure, I could have set up the tree faster... but why?
I certainly enjoyed my leisurely pacing, gently bending the branches into place, spreading them around to fill in gaps, watching as it became the tree I had enjoyed for so long...
the tree I haven't seen since the twins last helped me with it.
That was for Christmas of 2019.
During the pandemic, I just didn't bother with hauling it out of the shed.
Sure, I still decorated the house; I just didn't have the tree up.
I may leave it up until my birthday!
That's what I did in 1989, when I first bought it in January of that year.
It was nice to sit in the living room, in the dark, and just watch the twinkling of the little lights on the tree.
I guess we'll see how long I keep it up this time!
As for all the ornaments, that may be a nice indoor project this week.
That's when a cold snap is moving in for a few days, starting Tuesday.
Of course, I just may have to throw myself outside for a movie or two.
But, honestly, I plan to do all the errand running tomorrow.
Take out the trash and the recycling!
Haul those bins to the curb for the trucks to empty on Tuesday!
Go to the grocery, get all I need for hearty soups!
Go to CVS and maybe get new tree lights!
I think I saw some purple ones the last time I was in.
Apparently, that's now a Halloween decor color.
Speaking of that, look at this puzzle from "Celebrity Wheel Of Fortune"!
These are all the revealed letters, and you know what the chef-testant thought it was?
"Mayonaise By The Smashing...
(wait for it....)
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
Of course the next person up got it right away, correcting her mistake... and he was a chef, too!
Very funny!!
And that brought us right back to this being October and time for Halloween!
Time for me to do something else... like, locate the little space heaters.
Oh, and get my mink blanket out.
I already have the heated mattress pad on the bed, so that's good.
One less thing to do tomorrow!


faustina said...

Here's more info about that farm with the pumpkin patch.

I really like that it was named for the two daughters: Madelyn and Rachel.
Very nice!

faustina said...

Guess what?

CVS did have those purple lights!!!

I have them stretching out right now, so they'll be easier to put on the tree.

Happy, happy! Joy, joy!