Friday, October 21, 2022

boomers in motion!

Seriously, that's what the Meetup group is called!

I knew Jackie was using that name on fb, too, but had not realized she's branched out.

I totally get it.

The group that Karen had started years back has pretty well dispersed, what with interference from the pandemic and folks moving off to be closer to grandkids.

Anyway, I was bouncing around on fb earlier and she noticed I was on... and she messaged me about her group!

"We're going to see "Ticket To Paradise" at 3 PM on Shawnee. Please join us!"

So, of course I did!

It was her and two others, Leigh Anne and Brenda.

At least, I think that was their names.


We had the screening room all to ourselves so we took over the place!


Well, we took over the third row, alternating seats so we had plenty of room.

You know: sitting like fellows tend to sit at the cinema.

That way, we had plenty of room for purses and shawls and whatnots.


Fun flick, too, with George Clooney being so marvelous in a comedy role!

Julie Roberts was great, too, and they worked well off each other.

Plus, I loved the guy's dad... very funny, full of jokes!

I'm so glad I just happened to be on fb!

Right place, right time!

Thanks, Jackie!

Now, to call Tony back.

I'm petsitting their dog and cat and he wants to make sure my food favorites are stocked in the refrigerator and freezer. 



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