Saturday, March 11, 2023

free dance for mi amigas y dos mas!

After seeing "Fiddler on The Roof" last Saturday, I was boppin' 'round on fb and found this!
A free dance performance???
On a Saturday night???
All I had to do was reserve seats for it???
Yes, please, I can do that!!!
And so I did, surprised when the site allowed me to reserve up to 20+... but I only took four.
Then, I had the printed tickets as a surprise when I met my friends at the penguin play!
Well, tonight was the performance!
Here they all are, at the Savannah Cultural Arts Center (some of us for the second night in a row!).
Kal took Sandy's ticket, because Sandy and Kelli got their own.
That's Sandy, standing at the edge of the row, getting her jacket situated before sitting beside Kaye (wearing turquoise blue).
To the other side is Kelli, who is new to our group but has been friends with Sandy since grade school - nice!
Right in front of them is Barbara and Kal, our token fellow.
I was down at floor level, where I could stretch my legs!
Stretching legs was part of the performance, too!
Lauren Ohmer didn't let being 7-months pregnant slow her down one whit, either.
Here she is with her father, Anderson Giebner, who was so proud of her he was almost in tears.
It was his voice we heard throughout the multimedia event, telling of his service flying a helicopter in Vietnam in the middle to late 1960's, while music of the time broke the scenes and a video footage rolled.
I couldn't help but recall conversations with Jim, in the Armstrong cafeteria almost 20 years later, as he regaled us with tales of his three tours as a chopper pilot doing rescue missions.
His daughter was named Terri, and she married Myles Black and I vaguely remember their wedding, but, after almost 40 years, I can't recall her or her dad's surname.
Not that it mattered what they were.
I really enjoyed this dance, flavored as it was with those memories of people of the past!
I enjoyed talking with this daughter and father afterward, sharing my stories with them, and then, as we all walked down MLK Street to the restaurant, I told my peeps all about my college acquaintances.
Even with a reservation we had a little wait, but that just gave us (Kelli, Sandy, Kaye, and Barbara) more time to chat!
Plus, there was a jamming band!!!
I recognized the violinist at once as Sergei, of of the regulars who played at B. Matthews Eatery after the Southern Circuit films.
That's easily been ten years ago.
So good to see he's still faring well, in what looked like plaid pajamas!
Kal should have stuck around to speak a bit of Russian with him and to enjoy the tunes, especially as we ended up at the table right in front of them.
We even sang along as they played a medley of "Happy Birthday" and "I Will Survive" to Sergei's wife.
That was fun!
Then again, Rancho Alegre is always fun!
I was especially happy, dining on ropa vieja, eating my plaintains as dessert, listening to some fabulous music from three string masters, and dining with friends, some older, some newer, all just perfect for this evening out!
What a special treat for all of us!
i thank You, God!

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