Monday, March 27, 2023

half my screens are gone...

After getting bills paid and catching up on some mail, I pulled up the website, in search of a bit of afternoon fun on a rainy day.

Sadly, movie listings were not what I saw.

This was.

Since when???

How could it be that none of mi amigas had told me yet???


Damnity damn damn.

Now what do I want to do?

I really don't feel like driving in the rain all the way across town to see a movie.

The beauty of the AMC 10 was its proximity to my home.

I could almost always make it to a flick there in plenty of time, usually even counting on missing the previews.

Hey, that was 24 fewer minutes of sitting and waiting for the show, right?

But there was a lot more distance to traverse - and traffic to navigate - going southside.

Damnity damn damn.

1 comment:

faustina said...

When I contacted Barbara that afternoon, she had no idea that had happened.

And when I spoke to Carolyn about it after the movie at NCG, she didn't believe me until she pulled up the website for herself.

I'm glad the regional manager was at AMC 11 on Tuesday.
I'm glad I took advantage of the moment to go up and talk to her.
I'm glad she was talking to the cinema manager, who verified that I was a regular movie-goer there, a regular customer.
I think it meant more to both of them that I was an A*List member, as are all three of mi amigas.

I don't hold any hope that the AMC 10 will be reopened, though.
Budget cuts are being made and that's a done deal.
I do hope that Sean and Tom and Mia and Raven and Fred will show up as still having jobs with AMC... but who knows?

The regional manager said it was closed on Sunday.
I wish I could have known so I might have squeezed in one more for the road.