Wednesday, March 22, 2023

heart and eyes good to go!

On the 10th, a day with heavy rain, I managed to have my appointment with Dr. Cobb in between showers... hooray!

And just how was my heart behaving on that morning?

Absolutely perfectly, with not even a smidgen of A-fib!

That's because the high was in the 70's - hallelujah!!!

I won't be seeing him again until September!

Today, my eyes had a date with Dr. Irving at Savannah VA.

Just how did that fare?

Just perfectly!

Not only has my sight not changed, but it's actually better!!!

Instead of 20/20 in my "good" eye, I have 20/15 now -

that was a surprise to the doc, too!

So, instead of needing a stronger prescription for my next set of glasses, that Rx will remain the same - hooray!

My new glasses - with cat's-eye lens!!! - will arrive next month they say.


My eyes will be sporting a new look for my bday65!


Now, off to the Post Office to mail off the thirteen pages of VA Healthcare Eligibility paperwork - for 2021, by the way, received the first week of February this year - that has taken at least eight hours, and much mental chagrin and anguish, to compile. And what was the reason for all that? I had to cash in two small IRAs that year to make up for the financial losses from Ronnie's cremation and from the DEA scam. That simple act of trying to stay afloat sent me over their financial threshold and triggered the bean counters to sic their dogs onto me. Ack. I'll make sure to not ever do that again.

Then, off to the laundry, at last, before my panties drawer runs out.


What a release to have these appointments, and that report, behind me!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Dr. Cobb had been funny that day!
I told him about my A-fib acting up when the temps were below 60, so I was fine as long as I stayed in those days (and nights).
He said, "Then I prescribe that you move to the Bahamas!"
I replied, "Oh, yes!!! Would you please make that an official prescription?"
He and the assistant got a kick out of that request!
However, recommending that a patient move is not quite legit, so...
guess I'm not going to the Bahamas any time soon.