Sunday, March 5, 2023

thank you, mrs. ansley

Those are the very words with which I began the description of my new cover photo.

"Thank you, Mrs. Ansley, for planting these gorgeous azaleas so many decades ago, for me to enjoy today!"

That family had bought the house back in the mid-1950's, when the neighborhood was brand-new.

Today, I have azalea bushes with four different colors - fuchsia, pink, coral, and white - of blooms all across the front yard.

This huge bunch of blossoms is right outside the dining room window, keeping me company and brightening my day on those mornings when I eat in there instead of in the sun room.

I can watch the rotund bumblebees flit from flower to flower, with an occasional wasp buzzing between them.

A female cardinal is again considering building her nest within those branches, so I am treated to her hopping amongst the slight limbs as she searches for the right spot.

Such a lovely way to start a day...

so, again, thank you, Mrs. Ansley, for this gift that continues to bless others.


1 comment:

Rhonda Curby said...

That’s a lot of blooms.