Tuesday, March 28, 2023

sally searching, sequentially

... and with at least one of mi amigas!

"Whatcha sayin' there, lass?"

Sally Hawkins was in the movie yesterday and the one today!
In each case, she was searching for someone...
and, in each case, I was accompanied by at least one of my friends!

"Aye, I can see how that would be of interest to ye, as yer so fond of that name."

Not only that name, but all the characters she inhabits on the silver screen! She seems to favor roles featuring a challenge that has to be overcome in order to save another's life.

"Indeed, as she did in the one about that poor merman that had been captured."

Exactly the one I was thinking of! I do so love that movie!
But I also love the one I saw yesterday... especially as I watched it with Carolyn!
Good call!
And the NCG Cinema had "Paddington 2" for only two bucks!

"Hahahaha! Oh, yeah! That wa' so funny with the Scottish cook named Knuckles!"

And Hugh Grant cut a right merry caper throughout, didn't he?
I adore the musical number in the prison, with all the umbrellas!
Just magical!!!
And guess what?
As she and I were chatting after, Jim Reed came up!
His tour had been cut short due to rain, so he decided to treat himself to a bit of Keanu!
While there, he regaled us with his take on the Buddy Guy concert on Saturday.
I'm glad I wasn't part of the volunteer crew that night.
I already heard the man was over an hour late to the stage.
Once he got there, the 86 year old seemed to be experiencing a bit of sundowning, which manifested as an extreme blue streak in his language.
You know, Buddy Guy was born the same year as my dad.
Hard to believe Daddy has been gone 14 years.
"Yes, me girlie, let's come on back to the present, aye?"
You're absolutely right.
As Taylor Swift would say, "Shake it off, shake it off"!
"Ay, there be yer smilin' face! So, tell me 'bout today."
Today, I was in the company of all tres de mi amigas, y una mas!
I had not realized Barbara had arranged such a gathering! 
She arrived with Sandy, then Carolyn came right as the movie started, and then Brenda came just a few minutes after that!
And when we were leaving, I found a bright and shiny penny from last year!
Right place, right time!

"And jus' what wa' this movie about?"

A woman's search for the remains of King Richard III, of all things... and it was true!!!
I don't know how I missed this story in 2012, but I had.
After seeing Shakespeare's play and tiring of the talk of Richard being evil simply because he had a physical deformity, a woman with ME decided to take action.
She knew a thing or two about being misjudged as she had chronic fatigue and had recently been overlooked for a promotion at work because of her medical condition.
And here is the most wondrous part: in this day of internet overload, she went to a library and checked out all eight books... and then read them!!!
Yes, even though she had a smart phone, she chose real books to search out information!
Then she sought out more data, and she talked with history experts.
Finally, when she thought she knew where the king had been buried, five hundred years earlier, she sought out funding and experts to carry out the project.
Quite scientific.
"I see why ye were so drawn to it!"
I do hope "The Lost King" will be carried over to next week, as I'd like to see it again.
I rather doubt it will be...
especially as the AMC 10 is - get this - permanently closed...
as I sadly found out yesterday when I wanted to see a flick...
so, with AMC down to only 11 screens now, my A*List choices will be slimmer.
I spoke to the regional manager today and she listened to my concerns and suggestions, though I think she was most impressed that I had been the first to return during the pandemic.
Here's hoping our strong presence at this art house feature will bode well!

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