Friday, September 2, 2022

a tale of two jakes

"Are you, perchance, talking about young male turkeys?"

Hahahaha! Oh, that's rich! But not quite right. Still, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

"Well, maybe you're speaking of a beat cop on foot patrol?"

'Fraid not, dearie. That's a long way off track!

"Oh, wait, I was looking at 'jake' as a noun, but maybe you meant the verb form? You know, of playing a mischievous prank on someone?"

Well, that's what I'm doing here, in a way.

Perhaps it's because I've got a case of the midwatch giggles.


After all, it's past midnight and now heading to the second wee hour of the night after or the morning before, or however that goes.

Anyway, there I was, flipping back and forth between two shows, avoiding the dreaded political ad 'mercials, when it struck me that I was in the company of two fellows named Jake, both with girl problems, both looking for help from others. What a hoot, right?

"Yeah, what a hoot. You have any more of those giggle inducers?"

Aw, come on! You know that's a hoot! Jake on "Becker" and Jake on "Two And A Half Men", both on at midnight-thirty and dealing with similar issues? That's priceless!

"Um hmm."

Well, fine. I guess I'll just go ahead and take my silly self to bed.

"Um hmm."

Say good night, dear.

"Good night, dear."


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