Friday, September 16, 2022

triple header! woohoo!

Hey, it's been a hot minute since I had one of those!
But I had one today!
And every single movie was at a different venue!
And every single one of them was free!
What a rare treat!!!
The first was over at Generation One, aka the midtown senior center.
As soon as I had spotted the title in the newsletter, I signed up to be there.
And just which movie might it be?
The one with this line!
"Your plucky warrior hangs in tranquil solitude."
I just love it when she says that romance-novel speak to her cover model!
"The Lost City" was one of my favorites, seen multiple times at the cinema, and apparently quite a few others would agree with me, as the screening room was nearly full.
That was at 2 PM.
Then, at 6:15 PM, off to AMC Cinema 10, in answer to Carolyn's summons!
Barbara was there, too, for the screening of "God's Country".
Filmed in Montana, the scenery was lovely blue sky over miles and miles of flat land with hardly any trees.
I realize that Cinema Savannah will offer it on the 23rd, but I'm not planning to see it twice.
Even though I very well could with my A*List, it simply isn't that kind of draw for me.
Plus, I had known within thirty minutes exactly how it would end... and so it did.
Take one angry woman, simmering for years, with grief piled on, and throw in a couple of redneck males determined to hunt wherever they wanted.
I don't think Boo and Cooter saw it the same way I did, but they left when I went to the loo during the credits.
Fine by me!

That left me free to have dinner at home!
Did I still have free access to Up Faith & Family?
Surprisingly, I did!
Time for something light to wash out the taste of 'woman with a grudge'!
"Chasing Leprechauns" sounded like the perfect antidote: Good-looking fixer (think George Clooney style!) travels to Ireland to secure the building site for a new company, but that will only happen if the sweet lass in charge signs off on the land being leprechaun free.
Cue the romance, cue the comedy, and we're rolling!
And the landscape... and the accents... and the Irish lilting in the air... perfect!
Sure, it was predictable, but it was exactly what was needed!

What a wonderful end to a day that began with quilts!
Oh, had I not mentioned that?
Somehow, I ended up tuned in to "Samantha Brown's Place", trying to avoid political ads.
I may have watched this show once or twice before during the pandemic.
This time, she was in Seoul, Korea, learning about a myriad of topics...
including - I kid you not - quilting.
Right place, right time, for sure.
The rich had developed the art, oh so many years ago, in order to not waste scraps of expensive cloth used for making clothing.
Pretty nifty, and quite enjoyable!

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