Saturday, September 24, 2022

what's that on my foot?

It's a sock...
in September...
and I've been wearing the socks ever since I woke up at 4 AM to pee.
And that's my bathrobe that I'm wearing.
Not only is it cool enough to wear clothes, it's cold enough for that fluffy robe.
The thermometer in the house read 66 F this morning.
No, I am not happy about it.
I have not used the air conditioner in the dining room since Wednesday night.
Fall is evidently not just a date on the calendar this year at this latitude, as it usually is.
The temperature was down in the low 60's F last night and will remain down there all week.
So says Pat Prokop, the best meteorologist I know.
So, a light blanket is going on my bed tonight.
I was so cold this morning under the flannel sheet that I had to get up before 9 AM.
I had soup for breakfast and that helped.
So, I think some Brunswick stew is in order and I have exactly what I need to make it.
Smitty brought me over some brisket that he'd barbequed and shredded, plus i have corn in the freezer and little potatoes in the crisper.
At least the highs will be around 80.
That works... kinda sorta...

Now, I'm off to pick up Barbeque dinners at the fundraiser for Angells Youth.
The dinners will be at Wesley Oak instead of Asbury Memorial, just to make sure folks mingle from both churches.
I bought four of them, so I won't have to really cook for a while.

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