Thursday, September 15, 2022

jaws breaking? nope!

Hahahaha! Hahaha!
Ever since I saw what the silver screen had to offer, I've had that post title in my head!
Mostly, it was because there were three films with single-name titles that allowed fun for those who play with words.
However, I also loved it because I finally had the chance to use this photo!
It looks like a giant, gaping, maw, does it not?
But it isn't.
It's some cave down in Mexico and Scott took the photo when he was down there, then posted it on fb.
That was back in May.
I have been waiting to use it for months!!!
So glad I finally got the chance!
Thanks, AMC!
I started this A*List with "Jaws", a 1975 movie I had only ever seen once, as a 17-year-old teen.
Why did I see it on Saturday?
Well, it was during daylight hours, I was going to be with family that evening, and I wanted to see 28-year-old Richard Dreyfuss again.
Hey, I like bearded bears, back then and still.
Anyway, what I found out is that my teenaged self was an inexperienced wuss.
Sure, I can say that, now that I'm 64.
I actually found myself enjoying it.
Yes, that's what I said, and I mean it, too.
Sure, the shark was still scary, but I had a new appreciation for Robert Shaw, the boat captain, who was 48 at the time.
Not only did he remind me, fondly, of my middle brother, Ronnie, but he also reminded me of the good times I'd had in the Navy, talking trash and singing sea chanteys with fellow sailors, especially those who'd had ship duty.
Very nice memories.
The next day, at Asbury's "Get involved" fair, I even went up and talked to someone because she was wearing a shirt with "You're going to need a BIGGER BOAT' on the back!
Honestly, I don't know that she remembered that she was wearing that one.
Hahahaha! Good one!
I stood there and talked to her a few minutes about the movie, to let her know it was in the cinema again.
And, I don't know if it was the Honey Almond Cream ice cream from Leopold's or just general bonhomie, but I actually signed up to volunteer as an usher for an upcoming play and as a roving security person.
Afterward, I went to "Breaking", knowing naught of its story, only to find it was a based on a true tale of an Iraq War-era veteran whose money for disability got messed up by the VA after a college erroneously reported him for not attending. 
Very sad movie.
Made me cry.
Then I was busy with other stuff.
You know, rescuing my oleander, final appointment with the eye surgeon, supper at the church, watching a girl work,... stuff.
Then, today, I had the appointment with my nutritionist at the Savannah VA. I really enjoy our casual meetings, and today she had news to share. She's been named one of the two BEST nutritionists is "Savannah" magazine!!! I am the first of her patients that she's shared the news with!!! Elizabeth Carley is her name and we always have fun talks!
And, afterward, I bounced over next door... like, literally... to see "Nope" again.
I do so enjoy this movie.
And now, I'm off to a new play!
As Calvin would say to Hobbes about this time of year: "The days are just full!"

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