Wednesday, September 14, 2022

bye bye, birdie!

No, I'm not talking about the musical that's about Elvis!
That title is in reference to the eye surgeon I've been seeing.
Today, I saw him for the last time!
Yep, yep, yep!
Robin Ray had three tests done on me, during the three hours I was at the Georgia Eye Institute on the Memorial Hospital campus.
The first test checked my peripheral vision, but not in any way I've ever had it done.
I felt like a cat chasing a laser pointer dot around the floor as it was flashed on and off!
Each eye, in turn, looked at a white screen; my hand clicked a sensor every time a bright white pinpoint appeared anywhere on that screen.
Let's just say the clicker went off much more for my left eye than for my right.
The doctor pronounced my right eye "reliable" and my left eye "regular'.
'Reliable"... nice!
The second test was to check my vision with the standard eye chart.
Yeah, nothing new to report there.
The third test was another set of retinal scans, just as they'd done in June.
When the eye surgeon compared the new scans with those from three months ago, which looked just like the ones Dr. Frank Smith had taken in March, the 'bug in my right eye' looked the same as it had.
That's when Dr. Ray told me that he didn't think surgery was needed - hooray!
The surgery would have been to lop off the antennae of the 'bug' (as I call it), then waiting to see if the vitreous layer would settle back down.
As for my vision, surgery would have bettered it minimally, if at all.
So, no surgery, and no more visits with him - hooray!
Now, I need to figure out what I'm doing about dinner...
oh, yikes!
I'm supposed to be at Wednesday Night Supper at the church!
It's the first one we've had at Asbury since the fall of 2019.
WNS starts at 5:30... and it's after that now!
And believe me, it'll be all over by 6:30!
Hope I get there in time!

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