Sunday, December 24, 2023

5 go-o-old rings!

"I know that song!"

Of course you do! Everyone knows that song! That includes the People's Youth Choir of New York City.

"Where did you see them?"

That was on "CBS Sunday Morning" today. After all, it is Sunday!

"Sho' 'nough!"

The choir had cute pantomimes that they performed for each "gift" in "The Twelve Days Of Christmas". I tried to catch each one! 

"You did catch a couple, I see."

Yes, and those seem to be the ones I snapped over and over. LOL! The top is for "5 gold rings", and this one is "a partridge in a pear tree". The gesture for "4 calling birds" had them facing left, with the hands like megaphones to each side of their mouths.

"That sounds mega-cute!"

LOL! It truly was! And they ran through that song like they were on fire!

"Oh, I'm sure they did. I doubt they were given much air time for their bit."

That's probably true. Okay, breakfast is done! Time for me to move along!

"Hold up a minute! What's on the plate?"

That's half the chicken & avocado panini I got from Jason's Deli yesterday. The other half will be dinner, along with the chips & salsa. Last night, the kid's chicken penne alfredo was dinner. Tomorrow morning, I'll eat the best part: the kid's pepperoni pizza!

"I take it they had a special going on?"

Yep! The 12 Days of Deli! Yesterday was the last day and the offer was an instant $5 "banked" if I spent at least $20. All that food I was talking about? The cost was $20.29, before tax. Squeak, squeak, but I got the reward!

"And you're getting four meals off that deal. Nice!"

Most def. Now, I wish you Happy Christmas Eve!


faustina said...

What's up with those background items?
The mug was a Christmas gift from the Bradley brothers, Scott and Bart, during the first years of working for Smitty.
Very nice young men!
And that Christmas card?
It came along with the second shipment of Sotalol from the Charleston VA Hospital.
(Yes, they sent the one with the lactose filler, but they shouldn't make that mistake again. Dustin told me they have made the note in my file, again, and they won't charge me for this mistake.)
The card, addressed "To A Veteran", was tucked in the package as a surprise.
My thanks to the Womens Club of Charleston for the treat!

faustina said...

That's the link for the segment on "CBS Sunday Morning" from the Christmas Eve show this year.
Oh, and the name of the group?
The Young People's Chorus of NYC.