Thursday, December 14, 2023

fall colors are here and no snow

It gets my goat when folks complain about a lack of fall at this latitude.

It isn't that the trees don't change color -

because they most certainly do, with the maples and dogwoods flaming up, the pear trees bursting out in gold, and others flashing orange -

no, a lack of color change isn't the issue.

Folks from the northern states complain about the colors not coming in September.

To that I say: autumn doesn't even officially begin until September 21st to 24th.

Transplanted northerners want the fall colors to start by early October.

What sheer lunacy!

Our fall colors start in November, as a rule, with the first chilly nights.

We've already had several nights in the 20's, so the trees -

and the kudzu as well -

are all decked out in their fall finery.

Folks in the northern states have already had snow and their trees are long bare.

That's part of the reason they moved here, right?

To get away from the extended winter taking over the last of fall and first of spring?

Of course that's why they left the north.

Now, they need to acclimate to 42 degrees North latitude.

We get plenty of fall color...

as evidenced by this gorgeous tree outside Olive Garden today -

and that color change occurs during the last month, or so, of fall.


Now, Yvonne is here for our third noon luncheon -

time for me to go!


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