Friday, December 15, 2023

fun with john travolta and ryan reynolds!

Yeah, you read that right!

Ryan is on my tree and John is my new fb profile pic!

Both are in disguise, though, but still definitely recognizable.

Here's the "Saturday Night Fever" man, decked out as Santa Claus!

I guess the folks wanted to make sure we could make the connection to that dancing role that made him famous, but I would have known him just from his eyes.

Still, how cool to have scenes from the movie as "Santa" sauntered down the street in this 'mercial!!!

As for Ryan, he isn't in costume, he's just using an alias: Minty McMinterson.

He's the face gracing this new Christmas ornament, sent to me just for being a MINT phone customer!

Speaking of phones, there's a number inscribed upon the image, to call for "a break from the family".

So of course I called 917-277-9876!!!

Sure enough, it was his voice on the recording!

After a bit of silly chatter, he exited the "conversation" so I could leave a message for him... so I did!!!

Hahahaha! Hahaha!!

I have two other new ornaments this year.

These were bought earlier this year, when I saw "Nickelodeon The SpongeBob Musical" at SavChTh, along with a bunch of other stickers.

Yes, I said "stickers", not magnets or pins!

I am giving most to the great-nieces and great-nephew tomorrow with their Christmas bags...

but not this one, of SpongeBob spinning a vinyl LP...

and not this one, either, of his friend Sandy Cheeks.

They hold a special meaning for me, ya see.

Once upon a time, I was part of a married couple known as the DeeJay and the Scientist, and we are still great friends.

How nice to have the dancing astronaut and the tie-wearing D J on my tree to mark over three decades of friendship!

And... they're so danged cute, aren't they?!


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