Wednesday, December 20, 2023

oh, no, there goes tokyo, go, go...


Or so sang Blue Oyster Cult, so many years ago.

No doubt my being a fan of their music influenced my enjoyment of that beast's antics in the world of late night "creature features" when I was a teen.

I wonder what they would have thought about this movie.

Yes, I speak again of "Godzilla Minus One", which I watched for the second time on Monday.

Partly I chose it because I'd been home for 48 hours, due to nonstop rain and cold night air, and needed to get out.

Partly that viewing was due to the film being slated to leave this week.

Mostly, though, was because it's one heck of a science fiction romance.

That latter accounted for my venturing out into the 50-something chill of the early afternoon to take it in one more time, with Jackson of AMC sitting one row back.

Very nice!

Today, with the weather relentlessly staying in the 50's for its high, I popped southside again, only intending to take in a single.

That became a science fiction double header, with me still getting back to the relative warmth of home shortly before 4 PM. 

"The Shift" was much better than I'd anticipated, following a man in search of his wife.

That turned out to be a different perspective on the story of Job - yes, that much-beleaguered fellow in the Bible - set in a multiverse filled with Kevin and Molly clones.

Neal McDonough was obviously having fun as Lucifer, so that was an interesting side note.

As for Sean Astin's 'Gabriel', I never was sure if he was based on the archangel or not.

Good movie about choices and consequences.

Indeed, all three in this week's A*List have that theme: choices and consequences.

Very nice, as that's one of my favorites, right behind second chances.

And what was my last feature, and the second of the day?


I had resisted it, wondering what Timothée Chalamet could bring to the table that Gene Wilder had not already set so nicely more than fifty years ago.

What a pleasant surprise to find out the boy can sing!!!

Yes, "Wonka" is a musical, just as the 1971 film had been, so that was wonderful!

No, it didn't try to reprise the role Gene Wilder had owned back then; rather, it began with a young Willy setting off for seven years at sea, perfecting his chocolate recipes... and incurring the wrath of an Oompa Loompa  - played delightfully by Hugh Grant! - when he took some of his cacao beans, not realizing the fruit was not wild.

What a wonderful surprise to see my favorite Sally again, too!

Come to think of it, that second Paddington Bear movie had Hawkins and Grant in it!

Such a good movie that was, as were all three of these, all being movies I would see again.

Thanks, AMC, for having them on my A*List!


faustina said...

One post note: I could have seen "Wonka" on Mama's birthday, but I abstained.
That fell on the movie's opening weekend and I didn't want to be part of the throngs going to see it.
I'm glad I didn't see it then, as I would have felt totally bereft and left the cinema crying.
Willy's mother, played by Sally Hawkins, a favorite actress of mine, had died.
All her illiterate son had from her was a bar of chocolate she had made, wrapped in paper on which she had elegantly written "WONKA".
That's the only thing he had with her writing on it.

faustina said...

I had no idea that nearly a month later I would see two of these movies again, and in the same order!
Very nice!
Just look and see: