Friday, June 30, 2023

lured inn for 2024

"That's some kind of pun?" 

It is, on the part of the realtors, but it's an inside joke with cuz'n Jeff for me!

"He's Penny's cousin, right? On her father's side?"

Correct you are! He's also the one who invited me to come to St. George Island last year, all expenses paid, to stay in a beach house called "Gimme Shell'ter". Apparently, he has been vacationing in that Florida area for decades, going every other year. I had been so disappointed when my heart wouldn't let me go in 2022. No worries, he had assured me, I was definitely on the list for the next trip!

"And so the fisherman has already grabbed the location for next year?"

Yes, he has made the reservation! And he's got it secured with a deposit, too! It's a 5-bedroom, two-story, with its own pool and the beach close at hand. I am so excited!!!

"How many people are already lined up?"

Well, there's him, my blue-sky cousin Penny and hubby Steve, Jeff's sister Debbie and her hubby, and three others that Jeff knows. That's eight, plus me for 9, in a place that is described as sleeping 12. I know one of the bedrooms has 4 bunk beds, so I guess that's good for singles on the trip, as there are no kids.

"What's it going to cost? And does that cost get divided by person or bedroom?

It's going to be per person. Because we'll be there in mid-May, the cost works out to about $400 each for a week at the beach. What a deal!!! I'm regarding it as my bday66 gift!

"Wow, that's pretty low! What a great deal!"

Well, it's before Memorial Day weekend, so that kept the cost lower. Plus, he may get a better break on the price for being a repeat guest. I've been to St. George Island once before, when I was going to FSU. Gamma Beta fraternity - the chem nerds I belong to - managed to rent a house for a week, but I don't recall just where on the island it was. Sure was a good time! I know this will be, too!

"What's up with the weather song? Those are some rather warm days ahead."

Those are HOT days, thank you very much, not merely warm. It's as if Mother Nature is trying to make up for the uncommon coolness at the end of May. I just might have to start using the little air conditioner in the dining room.

"Hey, as long as it's cool enough to sleep."

Fans do quite well for that. I open up the windows in the late evenings to start a draft through the house, so it's pretty tolerable by the wee hours of the morning. I've started mowing the back yard, but that will take a while. I only made it through about a third this time before the battery died. That's okay. I had the blade set fairly low, so I'm literally making hay with that tall stuff that's over my knee in height. So much rain two weeks ago!

"Well, be careful with being out in the heat."

Hey, I don't even start until after 6 PM. By then, the sun is completely off the back yard, and there is usually a little breeze playing over the space. I chopped up some scrub oak after the mower died today, so now the birds can see the bird bath. I even cleaned it out and put a bit of fresh, cool, water in there for them!

"Well, ain't you sweet?"

You know it! (smile!) Now, to watch "My Best Friend's Wedding"! Ever once in a while, this light bit of froth with Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz is just what I need! Thanks, Comcast, for giving it to me last year! (smile!) Maybe that will make this Friday stop feeling like a Saturday, as it has done all day. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I called cuzn Jeff last Thursday, March 21st, to tell him I wasn't going to make it after all.
Part of it is a money issue, as I've just spent $2500 on updating my Living Trust, which did not have Christina and Michael listed at all.
Long story, but that's being rectified.

Part of the reason I'm cancelling my reservation with the group in Florida is the structure of the building.
I had not realized that it was just like the one at Nags Head that I was at with Auntie Arlene and family back in 2008. Or was that 2009?
Let it suffice that it was better than a decade ago.
I was able to handle multiple trips up and down multiple staircases much more easily then.
A-fib has put quite a crimp in my manipulation of stairs.
Lured Inn is three stories, with the kitchen, dining room, and living room all on the top story.
The thought of having to go up and down just to get coffee and meals was putting a damper on any thoughts of enjoyment there.
So, that's the reason I told him, explaining it to him just as I did here.

He was very sweet about the whole thing.
We even had a nice long - like, more than TWO HOURS!!! - conversation.
We spoke of his guitar playing, of his upcoming retirement plans in Missouri, of our service in the Navy, of several duty stations, of weapons practice and things of that nature.
All in all, quite a nice chat!
He really is a nice guy, and I always enjoy our talks, so I'll look forward to hearing from him and my cousin Penny in May, while they are there at the beach.