Tuesday, September 27, 2022

grand finish with da'vine joy!!!

That's Da'Vine Joy Randolph, by the way.
I almost didn't recognize her, either!
All through the movie, I kept thinking her voice and facial mannerisms were familiar...
but I couldn't quite place her.
I had resolved to just wait and find her in the credits after...
then came the hospitalization scene...
and there was something about her fussing at her niece that sparked a memory...
of her fussing at the remote island's naval rescue squad...
and I flashed on to who this woman was!
Well, how about that!
That actress has some range!!!
Oh, snap, I didn't say what today's movie was, did I?
My bad!
I had finished up my AMC A*List with "On The Come Up", about a teen girl wanting to follow in her father's footsteps as a rapper, with Method Man and Lil' Yachty stepping up in key roles in this cautionary tale.
And what role did Da'Vine Joy play?
She was not only the girl's auntie, she was also her agent at the local rap battles.
Rather than portray a polished promoter in stylish clothes as she had in the earlier movie, for this one she had ratted-out dreads, sweatpants, and hoodies.
You know: she had to walk the walk in each role if she was going to talk the talk. 
What about the other movies in this A*List?
Well, I'll definitely have to mention them, as you won't see them in this photo.
I don't know what the website's issue was...
but, instead of showing the promotional pictures, all three had "Poster coming soon" messages.
Very odd.
That's okay.
I know what movies they were!
That first one, "Don't Worry Darling", was seen on Friday and I wrote about its 50's glamour and science fiction feel.
Then, the following evening, I'd joined dos amigas for "Railway Children", as I wrote here.
Oh... snap, again.
I didn't actually say anything about the movie.
Well, it was a family film, set in the 1944 in England, and reminded me very much of "Summerland", except this focused on a trio of siblings and that had only revolved around one child.
Also, this movie found it necessary to play the race card, though I think that was fanciful and certainly was not necessary.
The age card was right there (inside joke with the physicist) and served quite well to present the viewer with a winning hand.
(Yes, I had to throw a little pun in there.
You're welcome!)
Now, I'm done with movies outside my home until Friday.
Good deal!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Well, hell.
All three of the cinemas in town are closed today, as they were yesterday.