Monday, October 9, 2023

boo! there's a troll in that painting!

Watching Bob Ross on a weekday morn is not something I do as a groove thing.

Generally, I like to watch him or Steven Raichlen late at night, when I've had a busy day and am trying to wind down so I can sleep.

Their voices, and speech patterns, are quite calming, and will do the trick when nothing else seems to be working.

But today I found the TV to still be on when his show began at noon, so I watched.

I'm so glad I did!

He painted a troll into his landscape... and I'm not sure he saw it at first.

Just a little later, I think he realized what he'd done, but kept it to himself.

I guess that makes it an inside joke for me and him!

Right place, right time!

See that waterfall, with all the froth cascading down...

falling toward the black rocks jutting up from the pool...

those rocks making two eyes and a partially open mouth under a long mustache?

Looks just like those fluffy-haired trolls that were all the rage when I was a teen!!!

In this photo, it even seems to be following his finger as he points toward the little tree he just made!

Truly is hilarious!!!

I should be sure to tell mi amiga Boo when I see her.

We're going to see "A Haunting In Venice" again...

me and Boo...

and that gives me the giggles all over again!

What a great start to this week!


1 comment:

faustina said...

Before I went to bed, I turned to SC's Create TV...
and there it was!
The same episode of "Best of Joy Of Painting With Bob Ross"!!!
So I watched t again.
Ah, yes, life is good!

"Evening at the falls" Season 38, episode 25