Wednesday, October 11, 2023

poetry in motion!

When I returned home from WNS and got settled, there wasn't much on TV.
I'd caught the last few moments of "The Big Bang Theory" and checked to see if any of my favorites in "The X-Files" were up to bat tonight.
I saw that "Jeopardy" had something going on at 8 PM, so I popped it on... and stayed!
That's because one of the categories was "Baseball Haiku".
Say what?!
That sounded delightful!!!
And it was, too!
So, a quick refresher for folks: haiku is a Japanese poem consisting of 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, then 5 syllables again in the third line.
I missed one of the squares, but I caught part of the next.
"Annie's got problems
Nuke is enamored
Crash something I missed" 

[Notice that I maintained the correct number of syllables in the last line!]
The correct answer for the described movie was "Bull Durham".
How cool is that?!
I made sure to have my camera ready for the next time a contestant chose that category.
"Lupus and Tanner
Skilled not inside the diamond
Buttermaker drinks"
Oh, ding, ding, ding!
I know this one!
How nice to be reminded of Walter Matthau again!
Next puzzle, please!
"Ease his pain, it said
A voice that whispered through corn
Doc Graham got to play"
Oh, my, oh, my!
That very first line was all it took this time.
Who is not familiar with that quote?
Yes, take me out to "The Field Of Dreams" again!
Let me hear the rustle and smell the corn in the summer air!
"Jimmy once a pro
Alas, war calls men away
Nine gals beats no gals"
This one was given to me as a Comcast reward!
I may not have watched "A League Of Their Own" nearly
as many times as I've watched "The Sandlot",
but I do treasure it!
Now, time to do something else!

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