Sunday, October 29, 2023

chatting with the first niece!

Skelecorn pumpkin!

At my second BYOP party of the weekend.

I like the Mr. White Potato Head pumpkin, too.

Me, taking a break from the crowd.

My skin is finally getting better.

That second bout of poison ivy had me lookin' rough!

Recognize what movie my shirt is from?


This is about a third of the crowd.

It had started out as a block party, once upon a time.

Now, the kids have kids and it's an extended family thing!

Like in this photo -

Mary, Christy, Caitlyn.

Three generations now coming out to the Jenkins BYOP.

Caitlyn even carved a pumpkin!

Like Smitty's, her pumpkin was of the permanent variety.

Here he is, with Tony and Laura.

I rode out to the party with them this year.

The nice thing was listening to music and singing along with Dood!

Another nice thing was coming back earlier than usual.

Hey, it's been a long and fractious week -

he and I were both whupped.

But I still made sure Asher got a scarecrow!

I'd made those, and the ghost pencil pops and the witches' brooms, for the kids there.

Asher is 8 and he met me as soon as we'd arrived!

He's Robin's first grandkid from her daughter, Brandi.

Here, she's holding one of her newest.

Such a lovely 36th year of this celebration!

And now I'm home and right on time for Carol Burnett!

Sunday has the full hour of her show, which is nice.

This one is especially a treat...

one that Jack Skellington would like after a BYOP...

it's a Christmas-themed program!

This aired on 12-25-1967.

Know what that means?

Tony was two months old.

I'd like to say I remember seeing this back then -

hearing Ella Fitzgerald hitting those notes...

but I was 9 and I really don't recall it.

Guess that makes it "new to me"!


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