Wednesday, October 18, 2023

the heat is on, drums keep pounding rhythm to my veins

Lah di dah di dah
Lah di dah di dee...
Yeah, that mental jukebox of mine works like a champ!
That's because I woke up WARM this morning...
because I relented and remade the bed last night...
setting up the heated mattress pad under the bottom sheet...
trapping its heat in the flannel sheets and comforter.
So nice to be warm!
By that criteria, looks like this week is going to be nice.
I guess that heated mattress pad may work like an umbrella...
no bad weather as long as it's in place!
To think, I could have avoided those nights dropping into the 40's had I but known that little trick.
What I'm looking forward to is Friday, when the weather tries to climb to 80.
Hope it makes it!
Today, I took care of "me" things.
It's Wednesday, which means discounted washers at SUDS, so laundry was done.
I had two "loads", as I usually do, but was able to use one washer for $4.50.
That's what the two washers would have run at Nami's/Sandfly.
The dryer was $3.00 for 30 minutes, which was about twice the price of what I used to pay, but the dryer at SUDS will definitely get hot and get the clothes and towels done.
No more items draped over chairs at home to finish drying!
That's a good thing, and Britney is nice to chat with, too.
When I returned home, I had to finagle around to get into my driveway.
That's because the five barricades that still block my drive are still up.
That's because the street that had been busted open for the sewer line repair has not yet been repaved.
I had been sure that last week of August would see the paving done... however, the threat of the coming of Idalia delayed that schedule.
At least, that is the story I have told myself, as the bfe would say.
And, so, I have been making a circuitous route to get into my driveway as I can no longer approach it from Allegheny or any side of Forrest Hills Park, as is my wont.
Of late, I have been rebelling, coming home along those ways, then having to turn into one of my neighbor's driveways and use that as a turnaround to my own driveway.
That's ridiculous to have to keep doing.
Something needs to change.
So, today I took action.
I went to the City of Savannah's 311 page and reported the unpaved hole in the street.
I even included photographs, following the example of "Alice's Restaurant".
Now, to wait and see what happens.
Molly of GEICO called me back today, just a little over 24 hours after I called her.
She explained why Travelers had listed three reasons for termination: by law, they must have at least three reasons to cancel a policy.
It doesn't matter if the reasons are flimsy or trumped up, there just has to be three of them to justify their decision.
Well, fine.
I told her about the letter Travelers had sent to me in May, telling me that a drone service would be used to survey my house for renewal of the policy, BUT THEY NEVER CONTACTED ME ABOUT THE RESULTS.
They had all summer to contact me so I could rectify the issues, but they chose not to do so.
All summer.
How very prejudiced and what a poor business practice on their part.
After telling Molly all that, I asked her who I would complain to about Travelers actions.
She told me to contact the Insurance Commissioner of Georgia, as that person is the one that Travelers must answer to about their decisions.
So it shall be.
Game on.
Meanwhile, I will do my part and continue to make right those three items.

i thank You God, for Wednesday Night Supper.
Not only was it one of my favorites - baked ham, baked apples, peach cobbler! - but I was treated to very nice dinner companions.
Emily Garrard and I talked at length about Taylor Swift and her music videos and her new concert, filmed for our pleasure!
Her husband Stuart, and everyone else, listened as we two old ladies raptly spoke of Taylor.
A new couple from New Hampshire, Karen and Tim, talked about kale and how best to cook it and use it, as Emily wanted to know.
Plus, they've bought a new Saturn, so I spoke of what good cars they are.
Then, when I went to get more ham and apple slices, Sherry got up from the far end of the table so she could meet me!
She really loved my conversation and looked forward to next week and hopefully seeing me again; hope she and her husband and their friend will return!
I even got to speak to Danny Beam and get a hug.
Then I caught Tom Lewis as he was coming in for choir, letting him know that I'm interested in seeing the next SavRepTh play with him and some others.
That would be quite nice!

And now, I am home with milk, and Chobani, and English muffins and eggs.
I'm all ready for breakfast tomorrow.
Life is good.
i thank You, God.

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