Monday, October 30, 2023

surprise! it's alan ruck!

Truly it was!
I had taken advantage of the $1 Weekend Movie Night reward from Comcast to watch yet another VHS movie from my collection.
This time, my choice was one I didn't quite remember.
From 1989, "Bloodhounds Of Broadway" had a huge cast of memorable actors, but I'd forgotten the plot.

That's okay, as it turned out to not have one.

The ensemble cast was enacting four different short stories, all woven together for a New Year's Eve celebration of 1928.

I'd first watched it last night, after my return from the Jenkins' BYOP, then again this morning.

Was it because of Rutger Hauer? Madonna? Jennifer Grey?

Nope, though I do enjoy all three of them.

Was it because of Randy Quaid or Fisher Stevens or Esai Morales?
Nope, though I thought they were all quite funny.
Matt Dillon? Steve Buscemi? Julie Hagerty?
Nope, nope, and nope.
It was because of Alan Ruck.
You know... the man who told me my name was beautiful.
Of course, he wasn't on my radar back then for that.
It wouldn't be until twenty years later that he would speak those words to me.
For this movie, his name wasn't in the opening credits.
That's why it was a pleasant surprise when he popped up, in a scene with Rutger Hauer.
Very nice!
Then he and his two bloodhounds, Nip and Tuck - remember that TV show? - keep showing up, helping the cops solve a murder.
Very nice!
He was 35 back then.
He's 67 now, still two years older than me.
I wonder if he still goes to Dragon*Con?

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