Sunday, May 21, 2023

a little song, a little dance, a little grad gladness

Guess what? 
I actually made it to church today!
Like, in person, as opposed to online viewing.
My primary reason is to hear Billy preach.
I figure with summer on the way, he'll be on break soon.
I'd like to say I still go for guest speakers, but we know that would be a lie.
The only one of those that I habitually show up for is Rabbi Haas.

I had forgotten that the high school graduates were to be honored today.
I'm sure that's because I had forgotten that I would know one of them.
Yes, indeed, Samuel Povie is officially all grown up now!
That's him between his mom and his sister, Sarah, who has only one year left at UGA.
She's going for her master's in anesthesia assistant after that.
Sam is going for a poli sci degree and the joke is that stands for "political silence"!
That's because the youth leader of the Asbury Angells announced it that way.
Guess that will be an inside joke for Doug and the rest of us!
While we were visiting, I talked to Amy's sister, Becky, about this event at the Tybee Post Theater and told her it combines two of my loves: photography and dancing!
As it turned out, there were plenty of photos being taken at this Spring Student Showcase of the Tybee Ballet Theatre.
I only took this one, as I knew none of the dancers.
Some of them were quite good!
The program didn't have any names, just the song titles.
So, let me add a few highlights from my notes.
"Bake You A Cake" had six tittle girls, probably between the ages of Miyah and Chloe, and, though cute, they really weren't ready for a stage.
Still, they reminded me of the joy I had ushering these types of events at the Lucas - good times, most def!
"A Dance For Danny" had two tween-agers who really had a great vaudeville routine!
I don't understand the song title used, as the one for their performance was "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)", an oldie about name changes of cities.
Maybe that was an inside joke for them!
The closing number for that first act was "The Renaissance", a song in three parts, with three sets of dancers: six older girls, nine tweenagers, and nine in the 4th grade range -
that's a lot of tapping toes to keep on tempo!
But the "WOW!!!" number was "Jaywalker Interlude", with a very talented boy, all dressed in light colors, performing an elaborate routine while three adults in dark clothes walked across the back of the stage repeatedly.
I took it to mean that he had lost someone dear to him, and the others were ghosts, but when I mentioned that to the chaperone during intermission, she didn't say anything.
Guess that was simply what the dance meant to me.
The second half of the show had a "WOW!!!" moment, too.
No, it wasn't the first number, "The Chain", though it was pretty novel to have four boys all on stage and no girls present.
No, it wasn't "9 To 5", which was nicely choreographed with its two older girls and two little ones, all pushing brooms and "working".
No, it wasn't even "Stay Here Forever", with the one high school girl performing.
The big number for me was "The Phoenix Dragon", with a girl who may have been a little older than Alyssa and Leila, dancing as a bird that becomes a dragon in flight!
What a fabulous performance!
I'm so glad to have found this on fb!
i thank You, God!

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