Friday, May 5, 2023

combo number 9 (ya gotta sing it!)

"You have to do what?"

Ya have to SING it!!! Sing it loud, sing it proud, sing it like you mean it!

"It sounds like something on a menu at a Mexican restaurant."

And so it is! And this is the day for such things, as it's like the 4th of July for our south of the border neighbor! That's why I made a point of going to El Potro between movies this afternoon.

"And that's what you ordered there."

For sure, for sure. Combination Number 9: two beef tacos in crunchy tortilla shells, rice, and refried beans, with generous amounts of cheese on everything! What the heck - I was going all the way! I just wish I could have had a refreshing margarita to wash it all down.

"Yeah, that wouldn't have been very good for your heart."


"Nice of you to wear your Sand Gnats shirt!"

That's what the waiter said! He really liked it! The ex liked it, too. Speaking of him, he sent me back a photo of him quaffing a margarita! Nice of him to do so!

"So, what were the movies in your double header?"

Here they are! Nice of the marquees to have my A*List trio posed for me like that, isn't it? I noticed while I was walking off my meal and waiting for mi amiga Barbara to join me.

"Oh? Good for you to have company coming. Now, what were the movies?"

The first one, seen at high noon and in Big D, was "Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol. 3"!!! It was all about Rocket this time, giving his back story. I had been a bit concerned that the Star Lord was going to be killed off - hey, that's what the previews indicated - and so I knew that would be unbearable for me. Thankfully, that was not the case!!! Whew.

"Oh, that is good news! You know you can't trust those previews. Marketing folks string those together and they have shown themselves to be clueless many, many times."

For real.

"So, I'm guessing that you and Barbara saw the George Foreman movie?"

You must be dreaming! She's not going to a sports movie!!! Nah, we saw the one on that third poster. "Love Again" was its name and, as I told her, it was much better than I had expected. Still, the reason I had it on my A*List was because I'm still working through movies I haven't yet seen before I start doubling or tripling up on a single movie. Can you believe we had five new movies this week??? After so many weeks of no change?

"Well, change is good! Especially if it means a larger variety of films."

It's certainly good for me. Barbara's tastes aren't as broad as mine, so she still tends to only see one movie a week at the AMC, but at least her A*List membership is still paying for itself. She had thought about canceling it, but I had her look at the movie prices. All she has to see is two movies a month to make it worthwhile.

"Good for you! Yeah, it really was sticker shock to see what the tickets cost when you bought them for Christina and Miyah a few weeks back."

Yeah, it was. I'm pretty spoiled when it comes to that. I just rattle off my phone number and they give me the ticket, easy peasy.

"Hey, before you gallop off into the ether, what song was it you were referencing?"

Mambo No. 5!!! I even came up with some new lyrics in the form of a poem. You ready?

"Hit me!"

Combo Number Nine, hahaha
A little bit of refried beans in my life
A little bit of chips and salsa as my side
A little bit of taco's all I need
A little bit of Tina's what I see

1 comment:

faustina said...

Finished up the trio today!
"Big George Foreman" was very good and taught me a few things.
For one, I now know that boxing isn't about fighting; it's a SPORT and it has rules, just like other recognized sports do.
That makes it good for young people who need guidance in their lives, as George did when he was a teen.
I had not realized he was only 19 years old when he won a gold medal at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico.
Pretty impressive!
Another thing I learned is that he was a preacher.
That was after a fight in 1977, when he died; he then understood that you can't make bargains with God.
I thought the director/writer, George Tillman, Jr., might be his sister Mary's son, but apparently not.
That's too bad.
I liked thinking that it was written by a nephew for his favorite uncle.