Tuesday, May 2, 2023

coffee in the back yard

I miss having a deck.

Wait, let me rephrase that.

I miss having a deck that isn't rotting, a deck that I can use for meals outside.

I've mentioned that to Smitty, as he's putting in a new deck for Christy.

He seemed very surprised that I haven't had one for so long.

Near as I recall, it's been around ten years ago since I was walking on it with the mower battery in hand and my foot went right through the wood.

I was scared that I might have some cuts or broken bones, but I did not.

I had positioned the table I used for meals over the hole... and there it still is.

Ah, well.


So, I've enjoyed making use of this fine deck at Tony and Laura's house.

Dane really likes it, too.

Sitting in the sun is one of his favorite pastimes.

We were out back about an hour today.

Now, he's in their house and I'm in mine, giving him a bit of the quiet time he has been accustomed to having on weekdays.

I'll head back over there about 3 PM and settle in for their return home.

Meanwhile, I'm having a little quiet time... I need it.

What a stressful few days it's been for both of us.

Jackie's call yesterday evening to tell me that Mister Willie died really shook me.

I called Steve Girard to let him know, but I barely got it through the tears.

I'll need to let Jeff know, and folks on fb that knew him from the baseball games...
but not right now.

Not right now.

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