Monday, May 29, 2023

birthday party with brothers!

"That wasn't a birthday party."
Yes, it was!
"Was there a cake with candles?"
No, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a birthday party.
Plus, I had watched "Big" with breakfast, so I already had the birthday cake scene.
"Were there gifts to be opened?"
Seriously, you know that's not the way I roll.
"Well, I still contend it was not a birthday party."
Then you are incorrect!
I was there with people I love, who love me, so that makes it an event.
I had been invited to come for a low country boil, which makes it a party.
And the ones who invited me had invited the rest of the family I grew up with to share it, so that makes it a birthday party.
Trust me, I'm for sure on this, and, as I was the guest of honor, I know I'm correct.
They even all sang "Happy Birthday" to me, and did so loudly, in the carport as I was leaving, after being together for almost four hours.

"But there wasn't a cake?"

No, but there was a fabulous apple pie!
But you know what was best of all?

"What's that?"

We all talked.
I mean, really talked with each other!
And not about just movies or what the kids were up to or that usual stuff.
We had discussions like Grandpa and I used to have!!!
We spoke of libraries and what books should be there -
that led to talk about homosexuality versus heterosexuality, sex versus gender -
and then we were on the topic of the Bible and just what people meant when that referred to that tome, as in were they including the Old Testament or just the New or both?
And how did that tie in with Judaism and Islam, with Buddhism and Shintoism and the many religions around the world that all have Jesus as a prophet?

Mary wasn't into the conversation, but the four of us - me, Smitty, Tony, and Laura - took the spool of thought outside and continued unraveling it there, out in the glorious sunshine, out where the warming breeze could keep us cool.
And why not?

Grandpa had been about my age when he and I had engaged in such discussions, with my brothers playing outside as Mama and Grandma hovered in the kitchen, listening in.
It did my heart good to know others in my family were giving thought to such topics.
What a gift that was to have such discourse, not on just any day, but on my birthday!
No tempers flared, no untoward language, just a freedom to speak freely with each other.
That was not only a gift for me, but so very appropriate on this Memorial Day.
And what a wonderful blessing Tony had given before the meal, being sure to include the memory of those who'd fought to guarantee that freedom of speech!
i thank You, God, for such a glorious birthday!

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