Monday, May 22, 2023

unexpected birthday dinner!

"What's this? Your birthday isn't for 'nother week, lass!"

I know... that's what makes it 'unexpected'!

"Yes, but I saw that you got your coupon from Texas Roadhouse in yer email today and I know you printed it right out to use today. Now, did ya or didn't ya?"

That part's all true, it is! And rather than go off on my own, I thought it might be nice to have some company this year. So, I'd texted Tony to ask if he and Laura might want to dine out there this evening.

"And I take it he said yes?"

He did! Turns out they were already planning a dinner at home, but as this was a rarity, they readily agreed. My goodness - when read aloud, that was almost poetic!

"Just why would you read it aloud when you've only just now typed it?"

Oh, c'mon, don't you hear your voice in your head as you write?

"Sure sometimes. Maybe not all the time."

Well, the same is true for me. And, somehow, rarity and readily just flowed into each other, like they were meant to be in close proximity.

"As your little brother says, you're weird."

Why, thank you, thankyouverymuch

"Hey, I just realized something. You'd said you wanted to get together more with your brothers this year, but this is the first I've heard of you actually doing so.

Yes, I told them about that. I also told them that what I'd wanted for my birthday was to be with loved ones, making memories. Laura said that's what she wanted for her birthday, too! That's why she and Dood had gone to the show at the Savannah Theatre!

"Great minds think alike, and all that. She really is a keeper."

She most def is. So is Mary. I told Tony and Laura that I was going to see about going out with Smitty and Mary on Thursday. I wonder if they might like the SavRepTh play?

"That's a good idea. "The 39 Steps" is pretty funny and I think Smitty would dig it."

Oh, do you? You think he would 'did' it? Hahahaha!

"You so funny... and so easily distracted, too. You need to finish your story."

Sure, I can do that! So, I told T & L about the coupon and even offered to use it for the Cactus Blossom appetizer instead of my usual sidekick of ribs, but they wouldn't hear of it. They told me to order what I wanted to, that they were getting the fried onion dish anyway. So, I got that half-rack and the Country Vegetables Plate, like I do. And you know what? They insisted on buying my dinner! So to make it officially my birthday gift, I had them sing "Happy birthday" to me... and they did! Tony made sure everyone knew it was my birthday, he was singing so loudly! Good times!!!

"Well, good for them! And good for you!"

Thanks! And I even have leftovers for later this week... but not lunch tomorrow! I'm spending that with Christina Ann. And not dinner tomorrow, either! I have a talk and reception at the Jepson. I guess I'll have to make a point of eating it for lunch on Wednesday, won't I?

"Sounds like a plan! What a busy week you're having! Happy bday65 to you!"

Thanks! I am so blessed!
i thank You, God!

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