Wednesday, May 31, 2023

1-dollar weekend movie festival: May

Like I did last month, I'm spending this Comcast reward on VHS movies I own.
What a birthday treat this reward has been!
The movies were chock full of choices made - good and bad - and changes brought about from them - just like life!
I started the month with "Beetlejuice", where the girl is taught to pronounce it by being shown a giant beetle and a quart of orange juice - hahahaha!
Not quite right, but close enough for that ghost, buster, to be called forth to drive some livings out of a haunted house.
(Yes, that can be our inside joke!)
Here's the thing: the Michael Keaton character is pretty toxic to ghosts, too, so eventually there has to be a change made to drive him away.
Enter the sand worm, with Geena Davis riding in to save the day!
The following weekend found me in a medieval love story.
An evil bishop had cast a spell upon the two lovers after hearing a drunken priest's confession.
Now, a boy named Mouse is accompanying the Man-Wolf and "Ladyhawke" on their travels.
What good fortune!
The priest has found a way to cast off the spell (pun intended) on a "day without night and a night without day" - but can he accomplish the deed in time?
I do so love this tale of good versus evil...
especially with Rutger Hauer as the knight rescuing lady love,
with Matthew Broderick providing the perfect comic touch!
The third weekend found me in a quandary.
I had selected a movie, only to find it was not available for rental.
So, I quickly grabbed a Jim Carrey flick with a serious undertone: "The Truman Show".
With the premise of a reality show in which the lead character has no idea he is on such a thing, the twist is the boy grows into a man who wants to travel, so, how to go about keeping him on the island?
Plus, he falls in love with the wrong girl, not the one in the script.
Yep, change is definitely in the wind from the very moment the stage light falls from the sky one morning!
Then, for my bday65 weekend, I watched "Big", the beautiful story of the boy who wants to be taller... 
but he didn't specify that in the wish.
Wishes, like prayers, must include details, and the wording is very, very important.
The 12-year-old wanted to be "big" so the little blonde with the curly hair would like him.
Instead, he became "tall", and thirty years old!!!
That wasn't what he asked from Zoltar!!!
Good thing his best friend Billy - who was "three months older" - was wiser, and not just a wise-acre.
Together, they helped the older Josh weather the changes until they could find an opportunity, some time later, to catch up with the traveling machine and try to set things right, so the boy wouldn't miss his childhood.
That's a really good friend!

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