Sunday, July 2, 2023

follow the leader!

I guess children simply don't play "Simon Says" on playgrounds anymore... 
or maybe they just make it genderless by saying "follow the leader"?
Beats me... but three of the four girls were playing that version in the pool.
They were even taking turns being the leader!
For this round, it was Leila in front, trying to sing the chorus and move her hands to "Gangnam Style", with Alyssa close behind and Miyah trying her best to copy them.
It was really fun to watch them!
And where was Chloe?
She was taking a nap, thanks, as she had a very busy evening with her twin cousins last night, and I'm sure an even busier morning with them!
After yesterday's movie, it was decided - mostly by the kids - that Alyssa and Leila would stay the night in Hinesville, with the two younger ones off to Guyton tonight to play and visit Grammy and Poppa.
Hey, fine with me!
Fine with Christina and Chris, too, as they would have the house to themselves.
What a feast they had prepared!
Grilled and smoked meats, including bratwurst, ribs, hotdogs, and even pulled pork!
Fruit salad and baked beans and pasta salad and nacho cheese!
There was even a banana cream pie!
All made lactose-free for me... my first niece takes such good care of me!
She and I and Michael had all gone out after Zander and his grandma Patricia left, to watch the girls and take in some summer air.
We ended up squirting the girls down with the hose, apparently making such noise that Chloe was roused and joined in on the fun!
Very good!
And I was able to coax a dragonfly to land on my right index finger!!!
I had noticed that glorious beast flitting about and stuck out my finger, hoping, hoping...
and he finally did light there, staying much longer than I would have guessed!
I could even feel his wings click as he changed their orientation, hanging out on my finger and figuring out his next destination.
Summer of magic, for sure!!!
And when Michael started rounding up the four girls and some of the food to go home with him, I took my leave, too.
Christina even had me pack a dinner, too... so I did!
I took a heapin' helpin' of the fruit salad - so yummy!
That was a recipe she and Miyah had created for the "cookbook" crafted by the daycare.
Wonderful, and full of two kinds of grapes, watermelon chunks, tangerine slices, pineapple wedges, and even some kiwi!
Then I grabbed a bratwurst, a rib, and a burger.
That last item is going to be dinner tonight after I hit the back yard for one more third mowed low!
But first, I made sure my car got fed, too.
I knew I was running a little low on gas, but I was sure I had at least a gallon still.
By the time I made it to the Aldi's in Savannah, I must have been running on fumes.
My tank drank in 10.9 gallons, and it only holds 11.0 gallons, tops!!
How wonderful that gas was only $2.89 a gallon!
Right place, right time, all the way around.
My odometer made sure I knew.
As I hit my driveway, up popped this mileage:
2 2 9 2 2 4.
As Oogway said repeatedly in yesterday's movie, "there are no coincidences".
I was in the right place to be invited to the cookout...
I was in the right place to commune with a dragonfly...
I was in the right place now.
i thank You, God.

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