Thursday, July 13, 2023

knights in white satin

I just had to start with a pun, and a musical pun at that!
Tonight was the first in the trio of the Age of Armor Film Series at the Jepson!
Imagine that: a museum having a film festival!
All three are quite tongue-in-cheek, too, which makes it infinitely more fun!
The next will be "Monty Python And The Holy Grail", a definite oldie from 1975 when I was still in high school.
The last is to be "The Green Knight", from just two years ago.
"A Knight's Tale", which is as old as my car - i.e., from 2001 - is full of anachronisms and absolutely fabulous rock music!
That made it utterly appropriate to have the Society For Creative Anachronism to have a contingent present to introduce the film... and for them to dance for us!

I used to go to their demonstrations in swordplay and such in Forsyth Park, but I have not even heard that they're doing those anymore.
Perhaps that is a carryover from the COVID pandemic?
Good to know they'll be here, every Thursday, for three weeks!
Maybe I'll even get up and dance with them next week.
I was right there on the front row and very nearly volunteered tonight, but two younger women came down instead.
Thank goodness!
That dance started out slow, but kept gaining speed along the way, until, for the last round, it was going along a right good clip.
Too fast for me!
And the movie?
So... much... fun!!!
Great story about a boy who had seen a knight in a parade and told his dad that he wanted that career when he grew up.
Folks around him said he could never be a knight, as he was not born into the right family, as he was not of royal blood.
Not his dad, though, who believed in his dream.
"You can change your stars," he told his son.
How wonderful to have a parent who believes in your dreams and goals!
I know, as Mama was such a believer in mine.
How blessed I was to have parents who loved me and supported me.
i thank You, God!

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