Friday, July 28, 2023

mel's vacay: a day at museums

And we were off, making it into the Telfair Academy just before the heavy rain!
Even though my favorite is the Jepson, I knew the statue of interest had moved back into the older museum, so we began our photography journey there.
Specifically, we went into the basement first, where an abundance of statues reside, including one of my favorites: Guy With A Towel.
Perhaps he's a hitchhiker in the galaxy, as are we all!
Yes, I do realize his name is Hermes, and he's certainly good for sweet dreams...
and I'm sure the Melaness agrees!
That's not just a camera in her hand...
she's happy to see him!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
After perusing all the other Greek and Roman statues down there, we went up a flight to the Rotunda.
Time to visit my favorite Walter McEwen painting and show off all the gorgeous facets in it.
Of course I'm speaking about "A Belle of 1810"!
I so adore that beautiful bit of realism!
I so adore the fine lines of that gown!
I so adore the expression on her face in the mirror!
Okay, time to diddy bop up to the top of this tree!
We dutifully admired the other exhibits along the way - ooh! aah! - but we had a goal in mind.
That's not to diminish "Beyond The Sea: Impressionism And Modern Painting In Europe", as the pieces there are quite nice, including several that I recognized as having been in the Sculpture Gallery in years past.
But "Before Midnight: Bonaventure And The Bird Girl" was the exhibit my tourist friend wanted to see...
and, truly, me, too.
I had not seen Bird Girl since her move and I was quite pleased that she was now surrounded by images of her home in that cemetery before The Movie uprooted her life and made her too famous to stay there.
I made sure to capture Mel in this shot with her.
So, what to do next?
We'd booked my favorite meter for two hours and still had about 40 minutes left.
Why not pop over to the Jepson for the "Age Of Armor" exhibit?
Most definitely we could do that...
but first, more statues demanded their photos taken!
Melanie especially wanted to take several shots of Sir Peter Paul Reubens, as he is a fellow painter.
I managed to catch this one of her with him!
Love how artistically that tree splits the picture!
By the time we entered the Jepson, we had about 25 minutes on the meter, so time was of the essence!
Up the elevator we went to the top floor!
And who should greet us but this fabulously attired knight in shining armor, with a flintlock pistol in one hand and short sword!
His suit was sparkling with gold studs in fanciful, flowery designs!
As I told her, he seemed to be ready for the prom, so she moved in beside him to be his date.
Really was a great entry to the world of knights!
Still, we didn't gt to spend nearly as much time there as I would have liked, so I know I'll be back.
I did make sure to introduce her to my Roswell Frogs, of course.
Plus, we spent a little time with the red glass kneeling figure, with the spire of St. Johns Cathedral rising over its shoulder.
She liked the different ways the glass had been worked, with the different textures serving to mark edges of the clothing, the person, and the base of the statue.
I like that, too.
Safely back to the car, umbrella in hand for the light drizzle, we tried to decide where to go next.
How about the statues out at Greenwich Cemetery?
Yes, that would be nice, and would still give us time to stop by the house to drop off her camera gear.
So, that's what we did, with her exploring some of the monuments, then us visiting Ronnie's pier, Mama and Frank, and Jean Marie.
Of the gifts left at Mother's Day, only the one for my niece was still intact; Ronnie's flower was gone and Mama's pinwheel had not survived contact with the mower's blades.
Mel really liked the dragonfly paver at Jean Marie's.

To home, ever so briefly, then off to the Jalapenos of Sandfly for the dinner!
I think this was the first time I've actually made it there for the weekly event with both of my brothers and their friends from the neighborhood (Betsy and Jimmy and Mark).
But I had called Smitty to be sure he and Mary were going to be there.
He sounded pleasantly surprised, and happy, that I would be there!
When we arrived, they had already put the tables together.
It was usually just the Smiths and the Kamerons, but their daughter Addison had a college friend there, so at least Mel wasn't the only new face.
They all see me at Robin and Harry's pumpkin party every year, so I was certainly not new... just a bit rare.
So, just what was going on this week?
Well, I'm not sure how it started, as conversations were flying all around me, but I suddenly noticed a lull on our side of the table.
All attention was focused on Smitty, telling the tale of the Palm Tree Massacre, from his reckless youth!
I had missed it when it happened, as I was already stationed in Panama, so it was news to me!
Very funny the way he told it, but it had been a nerve-racking experience when it occurred.
I'm sure it was, too!
Nice how time can soften the edges, isn't it?
When Mel and I returned home, we had plenty of time left in the night.
Would she like to see a movie?
Yeah, that would be good!
How about "Rocketman", the Elton John biopic?
Comcast had given it to me as the first in its Summer of Movies rewards.
Lots of music, so let's do it!
And she very much enjoyed it, as did I!
Good choice!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I just watched a delightful movie with Liam Neeson as a painter.
And, as the credits rolled on "Made In Italy", my first thought was: I need to tell Malanie about this.
Then I remembered "Sunlit Night" and again thought: I need to tell Melanie about this one, too.

And while looking for that film set in Norway, I ran across this post about Bob Ross and thought: I need to share this with Melanie, too!

So, if I put these notes here, I'll remember... or maybe she will see them.