Wednesday, July 5, 2023

mother nature back to watering the grass

I got home from the movies and Aldi's just before the bottom fell out.

I went around the house, opening windows, opening doors.

The rain had dropped the temperature better than 10 degrees F, maybe even as much as 15 degrees F.

I sat in the sunroom under the fan, breathing in the coolness...

and my thoughts ran to the newly mowed grass.

This is how it looked on Friday evening.

It had been less that two weeks since I last mowed.


But a week of daily rain had pumped it up.

Now the Y-grass was well over knee height.

Time to start up the Ryobi!

Barely thirty-five minutes later, I had to stop.

It was just after 7 PM and the battery was drained.

Just drained, totally empty, spent.

That's because I had the blade set at about 2 1/2 inches.

Yes, I did!

I was not willing to spend time every two weeks cutting the back yard, which I rarely use, so I was determined to kill off some of that thick growth.

As I'd only been able to mow for 35 minutes, I trimmed scrub oak and poison ivy for an hour, throwing the branches over the fence into the front yard.

Saturday night, after the sun was off the yard and the little evening breeze had started, back at it I went, with a full charge on the battery.

Thirty-five minutes later, the Ryobi stopped dead in its tracks, the battery having done all it could.

Another third of the back yard lay vanquished, hay from yesterday's mowing already dry from the heat.

Back on the charger went the battery!

More branches went over the wall and to the curb!

Sunday, after I returned from Hinesville, back I went into the yard, battery in hand, an hour of light in the sky.

And here is the result!

The back yard was completely cut!

I was even able to do the smaller half of the front yard before the Ryobi was ready to call it a day!

Hallelujah and hooray!!!

And just what had been the driving force, the motivator to get it done?

More rain was coming.

Monday, the 3rd, was our last day of no rain for the upcoming week.

My hope was the heat would persuade the remaining green stuff to stay in check.

After taking a shower to cool off, I had a nice, cool, dinner from cookout leftovers after making sure the battery would be charged for future mowings.

I had sliced up the bratwurst and mixed it in with the fruit salad that Christina made, letting it sit.

Then, I shucked two ears of corn - only 25 cents each! - and let them boil while I showered.

Such a great dinner!

And, I even had a bit of the Summer of Magic to entertain me!

"The Unnatural" was on Comet and streaking in my direction!

And just what was magical?

Truly, the transformation of an alien into a human could not have been anything but magic.

The alien's love of the game had eventually changed the very blood in his veins.

No longer would it be a toxic green substance that would burn anything it touched.

That non-carbon-based liquid had become the same iron-infused fluid that courses through our veins and arteries, fluid which turned red upon exposure to air.

I do so love that episode of  "The X-Files", and there it was, waiting for me, with its baseball games, and its love of the game, and the love between the 'black' ball payer and the white cop who protected him.

Right place, right time, on Monday.

i thank You, God.

Right place, right time, tonight, too.

Home before the storm, movies done, and another favorite Mulder-Scully episode soon.

I finished off my A*List trio this afternoon, with a second viewing, solo, of "Asteroid City".

(The bfe had expressed an interest, but time has run out, as the film leaves tomorrow.)

Saturday, I started it off, in the company of four little blondes and a martial artist as we watched "Kung Fu Panda" together!

And Monday, I went to "Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken", which was very much girl-power and also had a different spin about mermaids.

I don't think the four little blondes in my life would like it very much!

That's okay, it's meant for teens and tweens, and they aren't quite there yet.

Now, as I said, "The X-File" of interest is about to come on.

It's the one starring Willie Garson and a young - only 13 years old - Shia LaBoeuf, "The Goldberg Variation".

This Willie was the gay best friend of Carrie on "Sex And The City".

He was 57 years old when he died in 2021 of pancreatic cancer, the same disease that had taken my only grandpa from me in early 1982.

Willie was 35 years old in this episode, with him as an incredibly fortunate man who liked building complex machines to perform simple tasks... like making a basketball eventually go through a hoop.

In other words, machines that featured sleight of hand, so to speak.

Definitely a Summer of Magic show!


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