Monday, July 10, 2023

breakfast with a view!

I do so enjoy starting my day in the sun room!

It's bright, cheery, butter-yellow walls and surrounding windows almost make me feel like I'm off on holiday somewhere... truly!

Today, I ate something I dreamt about before bed last night: waffles with peanut butter and blueberries, with Chobani blueberry, sugar-free, yogurt on top of each bite!

Oh, so very delicious!!!

And I was in my "new" groove, finishing the article about Yellowstone National Park that I started reading on Friday.

Get this: it's from the Smithsonian magazine from January/February 2021.

Yeah, I don't know why I hadn't yet read it.

The magazine was even open to the article when I found it in the magazine box that the Melaness had made for me decades ago.

I guess I was originally planning to read it and send it along to Paul and Cathy.

Well, now that I've finished the article, I'll get busy with the rest of the magazine so I can forward it westward.

That two-page spread in my photo showcases the hot springs at Black Sand Basin and was courtesy of Andrew Geiger, a Montana-based photographer.

As incredible as the photos were, the article itself blew my mind.

When the area was designated as Yellowstone National Park in 1972, battles between US Army soldiers and Native Americans were still ongoing.

Say what?

General Custer's last stand was in 1876.


That was more than ten years after the American Civil War!!!

But that's all true, flabbergasting though it seems.


Those are some pretty deep thoughts for a Monday morning.

Now, though, I need to finish getting the house ready for company.

The J-Dawg is coming this afternoon for a movie - "Top Gun", which he has never seen - and I need to at least make the living room shipshape.

Last night, I moved the winter bedding off the loveseat and into the back-facing bedroom, as they still haven't made it to the laundry.

I also transferred the Christmas tree, with lights still wrapped around its branches, to that room.

No need to undo it as the holidays will soon arrive!

I also cleared off the marble table and switched the couch cushions, to liven it up.

I even turned on the air conditioner in the dining room and let it run overnight!

The goal is to have the house cool - like near 80 - for him.

As I told the ex, the weather has been "afternoon quickies followed by evening stickies", thanks to brief midday showers.

Pretty funny puns, right? (smile!)

1 comment:

faustina said...

What a nice afternoon and evening with the physicist!
He got here about 4 PM, then we talked for a while, mostly about medical procedures and age, then... off into the wild blue yonder of "Top Gun"!
And the house was nice and cool, too!
Afterward, it was off to Moe's for dinner, as that's where I wanted to go.
Well, I wanted to go to La Parilla, but he goes there all the time.
Hey, Mexican is Mexican, and Moe's has tomatillo salsa!
Nice chat about the movie, with one parting question: Why was Anthony Edwards' character named "Goose", when everyone else had manly man names, like Viper and Maverick and Ice Man?
I postulated that maybe he was overheard reading Mother Goose tales to his son, but he didn't buy that.
Guess I'll wait to hear what he finds!