Sunday, July 16, 2023

boomers in motion, party of one!

"You were with a meetup group, right?"

Yes, and I was the 'manager' for this event, too... as well as the only attendee!

"What the... I thought this was Jackie's group, right?"

Correct, but after she had listed the musical, she realized she had a schedule clash, so she had put me in charge of it, for real and on that site. She knew I was going anyway, and she had thought others were interested, too. 

"Maybe you should have just cancelled the event then."

Not hardly! I have been looking forward to "The Phantom Of The Opera" for months, so I was certainly going! 

"Isn't that a Savannah Children's Theatre production?"

It is, even though it's being performed at the Savannah Theatre, over on Bull Street. Very nice of them to have allowed use of their larger stage for this lavish production. There was even a boat that the Phantom used to ferry Christine to his haunts - that was so totally awesome!!! And of course there was a chandelier!

"What about your amigas? Did they come?"

Nope, nary a one of them. I had even invited Brenda, but she had pet-sitting duty. Never even heard back from Carolyn, Sandy, or Kaye about the play, and Barbara is still on the Left Coast until Tuesday.

"So how was it? Did it live up to your dream of it?"

Most assuredly, from the first moment of the auction to the scenes with the new theatre owners! The singing of Christine and the Phantom! Their boat ride to the foggy cavern and candle-lit organ! The rooftop with a sky full of stars! The falling of the chandelier! The masquerade ball scene in the Phantom's opera! All the way to the very last scene!!!

"And who is that crossing the street? Richard Wallace of Armstrong's Chemistry group?"

Yep, with his wife! Get this: they were sitting right beside me the entire first act and I didn't realize it! You know how I am with crowds, right? It takes me a moment of sitting still to start recognizing folks, and I was concentrating on the site and the stage at first, then the show, so not until intermission did I "see" him. Pretty funny, right?

"That really is funny! And isn't that Travis Cole of Bay Street Theatre in the black shirt in that crosswalk?"

Yes it is! I hadn't noticed him until he came up to hug me! I was concentrating on getting that photo! Hahaha! Bonnie Blue and husband Don were in the lobby and we talked a bit, so it turns out I knew several folks there. Plus, I had a delightful chat with the elderly woman behind me about our love of this musical. just as I had on the way to the theatre with a SCAD student who gave me directions. Oh, and the young man in Row 3 in front of me was the grandson of Johnny Harris! You know, the one who had the restaurant that featured my winnings from the Gala? All in all, an absolutely lovely time!

"Well done! Well done!"

And I talked with Vivian and Gloria, too, of SavChTh, there in the lobby. They had a table set up with promotional flyers and such. One of the things about having plays here is exposure to the tourist crowd, as well as relocated folks who don't think outside of downtown. The old lady I chatted with had no idea there was a theatre on Victory Drive, even though she has been here since 2000. She probably isn't aware of the one at Tybee, either.

"That's okay, she knows about them now. Maybe you'll see her again some time."

One never knows! What a fabulous day, with a fabulous musical!!!

1 comment:

faustina said...

My message today for the meetup group:

"This was even more fabulous than I had hoped!!! Just like being at a Broadway show! I've been listening to this soundtrack for at least 30 years and these actors were superb! I look forward to seeing them on Broadway one day soon!"