Tuesday, May 7, 2024

dragons! vampires! stuntmen???

What an odd-looking AMC A*List dance card I have this time around!
I had started off with "The Fall Guy", of course, new this week and on the Big D.
You know how much I enjoy the Big D!!!
Mostly I wanted to see Ryan Gosling again, but I also thought it would be a good topic for Jalapenos of Sandfly, right?
What a lovely, and loving, tribute to all the stunt people that make action movies the vicarious thrill rush that we seek! 
Tom Cruise may do his own falls and jumps, but most actors leave that to the professionals, the ones who learn how to take punch, survive a fall, and roll with it in a tumbling car.
Hooray for them!!!
What I also liked, though, was an oddity that didn't seem to get mentioned.
No one's looks are unique.
Those who stand-in for an actor while a shot is being blocked have to look enough like that actor for the blocking to be effective and not have blind spots.
Those who perform the tumbles and falls and jumps for an actor have to have the same build, the same hair, the same body shape - that means long legs and short torso, or vice versa, or legs and torso of the same dimensions.
Offhand, that may seem like a tall order... but it isn't.
Due to gene pool limitations, it's more common than one might expect.
It's certainly no surprise to me, as I have seen folks that look just like others I know ever since I was first in the Navy.
I think it's simply because I've met and seen so many people.
The second and third movies were seen today, for my Tina Tuesday gig.
"Abigail" is a horror film, but... not so horrific. 
After hearing that Fred had seen it twice, and knowing that Fred likes humor in his horror, I took a chance on it.
Good idea!!!
I had expected a plotline akin to that of O. Henry's "The Ransom Of Red Chief", and I was not disappointed at all!!!
That's all I'm going to say about this flick with the vampire ballerina!
Oh, wait, one more thing: fabulous ending!!!

I followed that up with "Dragonkeeper", just in case I needed something to settle me down.
This Spanish-Chinese animated film had the types of dragons that I know and love!
The story was beautiful, and the whole thing would have been just my cup of tea, truly, it would have.
However, the smart-mouthed little girl got to be a bit aggravating after a while.
She's certainly not the role model I want for my four little blondes!

Okay, I'm home again and the errands are done.
The car has a full tank... check!
Aldi's had cheese and honeycrisp apples for me... check!
Publix had Outshine fruit bars still on sale... check!
Time to finish dinner before "Will Trent" begins.

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