Thursday, May 30, 2024

ribs at last!

I've been dreaming about 
those Killer Ribs 
ever since Texas Roadhouse sent me 
the coupon for my birthday... 
so, it's been a couple of weeks!
When my biggest little brother
called yesterday to sing me 'happy birthday',
I asked if he and his lovely wife
would take me there for dinner. 
"Yes, but it would have to be Thursday."
That sounded fine to me!
I don't need it to be -on- my birthday
for me to celebrate, as my littlest little brother had found out when he took me there last year.
There Tony is tonight, with Laura by his side and Mary in the corner.
Smitty is right across from her, beside me in my Hawaiian dress.
The manager took this for us, after first laughing at my phone and asking, "Does it have a camera?"
That's okay, the joke's on him.
That little camera gets quite a workout in my hands, as all will attest!
And what about cake?
Not even Mary ordered dessert, which is certainly not her usual, though she still took half her 'Herbert's' Chicken home.
And what about candles??
Nope, there were no candles, though those picked-clean ribs did have the right shape.
Was there at least some ice cream???
Yes, yes, there was!!!
Thanks, Publix, for gifting me that half-gallon delight!
Now to dig into that Black Jack Cherry... yummmm!
Thanks for the birthday dinner, my dear brothers!

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