Sunday, May 12, 2024


There were three homophones that popped up while I was going ape with the bfe.

The first was N-o-a-h, as in my step-nephew.

His name came up while we were at Jason's Deli for our luncheon.

I had mentioned that I will be Dane-sitting this week while Tony and Laura are in Missouri for Noah's high school graduation.

Noah will remain there rather than come here for the summer... he has a girlfriend now.

LOL! Poor Laura was so hoping he'd come for one last time!


The second was N-O-A-A, as in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

That came up during the luncheon, too, as the Northern Lights is a hot topic now.

Him being a physicist, he knew about NOAA.

I showed him the photo taken by - the ex? Amy? a friend in Michigan? - and we both laughed about the giant smiley face!

When I told him that the light phenomenon was supposed to be more visible earlier in the night, like an hour after sunset, he'd nodded.

"It's because of the angle between the Earth and the sun," he'd said.

Good to know - I'll pass the word along!


The third was N-o-a, though we didn't know the spelling until the credits rolled by.

He requested that our movie be "Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes" - which truly was a surprise to me! - and we saw it in Big D, naturally.

(We were running a little late, as we didn't get our tickets for the 1:00 PM show until 1:22 PM, but we still had two previews to watch before the movie began.)

So, we're watching the ape flick, having flashbacks to the reboot movies, as well as the five in the original franchise, and trying to figure out where this one is in the saga's timeline.

The central character, a chimpanzee of the Eagle Clan, is named Noa.

He thought the name would be with an "h", I hoped it would be without.

I was right!!!

Thus, this post was created.

Ta dah!!!

Got to have a little magic!!!


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