Wednesday, May 15, 2024

money, math and movies

"You spent money on movies and maybe balanced your checkbook?"
Not quite, not today!
I did spend money, in the form of checks written to three graduates this month, not that I will be able to attend any of their graduations.
Incredibly, I had three of these blank cards, already adorned with return address label and stamp, to send off for them!
New nephew Noah will graduate high school, in Missouri, on Friday.
Merritt, my nephew in Alabama, will graduate next week, though I am not sure of the date.
Thursday? Friday?
And then there's Sarah Povie, my little friend from so many years ago, all grown up and graduated from college with her BS!
That was last Friday.
"How very good that is!!! I suppose Tony and Laura will be there for Noah?"

Indeed they will be, and I'll be petsitting with the Dane!
"He's looking a bit lethargic, or just lazing in the sun?"
Probably more of the former than the latter.
He's been on a hunger strike since yesterday, while they were packing, as he is aggravated that he is not going.
He moved from one patch of sun to another for the hour that I was talking with my first niece.
I think he just wanted to make sure I was watching.
Such a petulant pooch he can be!
"Hahaha! Well, at least you stayed out with him."
I did hang out with him for almost 90 minutes, but then I left for Jalapenos of Richmond Hill.
Dinner was calling to me, and Christina craved Mexican and my company, so I met with her and the girls.
You know what I found out?
That place is closer in reality than I believe it to be.
Know what I mean?
It's only about 30-35 minutes away, but I always have thought of it as 45-55 minutes off.

"Funny how that works, isn't it? What is Miss Chlo doing?"
She's counting on her fingers!
Her Mama gave her a math problem, one that involved adding two single-digit numbers, and she was figuring it out.
Pretty good for a five-year-old!
"Math problems at the restaurant???"
Yeppers, and on the patio, too, in front of God and anyone who might have been passing by!
Miyah was writing math problems for me, trying to stump me.
It was great fun, and gave her practice writing, so, good deal!
She'll be going to summer school this year to help out with that, too.
It's just for a month, so she will still have plenty of vacation time!
"Well, that's good to know! And what're you doing now?"
Watching the last hour of one of my favorite movies while the dog mopes on the couch.
This scene is at the point in "Die Hard" when Alan Rickman says to Bruce Willis, "What is it that you said earlier? Oh, yes. Yippie kiy aye..."
"Yeah, let me stop you right there!
Gotta keep this rated PG, girlie!"
I love that part!!!
Next up will be the last hour of "Pretty Woman", then I get to what I'm waiting for: "Futurama", with Layla and Fry and Bender and their shenanigans! 
Then I'll be off to bed.
Glad I have my coffee pot here now!

"Sweet dreams!"

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