Wednesday, May 1, 2024

is that minty t-mobile, or t-mint?

It's a done deal now.
Ryan Reynolds, aka The Mint Fox, sent me an email to let me know that all the i's had been dotted and all the t's had been crossed.
I already knew, of course.
All the photos I'd sent from my phone to my email now bore the "from t-mobile. com" in the address line, as they have for the last two or three months.
I'm glad I went ahead and paid for a year with MINT back in March.
The cost isn't supposed to change with this merger... but we know how that works, right?
I'm going to choose to believe what Ryan says.
And what does he say?
"Last year we announced our plan to be acquired by T-Mobile. Well, the big day is here, and we’re super excited to officially be a part of the T-Mobile family. This change allows us to provide more features and begin to implemint new things we weren’t able to before. And since it’s no fun being happy alone, here are just a few of the sweet new improvemints coming your way that we think you’ll be excited about too.

Changes to $15/mo: Nope

$15/mo has been our thing since the beginning and it ain't going anywhere. This is our commitmint that Mint Mobile will continue to have a $15/mo plan option for new and existing customers.

Coming This Week: Scam Screener

Sketchy calls will be identified as such by showing “Scam Likely” on your phone’s caller ID, so you don’t get mixed up with shady characters, extended warranties… you get it. This feature will start rolling out to subscribers over the next few days. You don’t have to do anything on your end, just enjoy the added security.

Coming Soon: Free roaming in Canada

Calls to Canada were always included with Mint, but now you’re able to bring your Mint Mobile phone with you across the northern border and enjoy 3GB of high-speed data and unlimited talk & text at no additional cost.

For more info about these updates & improvemints, check out our in-depth blog about the news.

Same Mint price, same Mint channel,
Mint Fox

I'm listening, hoping for the best.
And Ryan?
Please keep doing right by me, man.

Looking forward to the new Deadpool movie!

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