Friday, May 3, 2024

A+ for wound care!

I was a little concerned about that hole in my right shin.

The skin was very pink to the south of it, as well as quite shiny.

I thought it would be best to have it checked out, just in case.

So, off to ExperCare I went, hoping for the same doctor.

I had a different nurse, who got quite shocked by my heart rate.

I explained that the low 40's is where it stays now.

The doctor was the same one and she seemed to remember me.

That was very nice!

Donna McAllister looked at the wound and touched the swollen area below it, but was not concerned at all.

Smiling, she said, "I give you an A+ for wound care!"

Most excellent!

I had told her the last time about the "black hole" scar on my right foot, the result of a staph infection back in 2002.

I had tripped on a parking lot curbstone, busting the nail on the toe adjacent to the pinky toe on my right foot, which then got infected.

I told her the podiatrist had finally allowed me to leave the hospital when I had shown him I could clean and bandage the surgical site on the upper foot by myself.

I also told him I had two stepsisters who were nurses, should I have a problem.

Even so, he insisted on me coming to his office for the next two weeks, so he could monitor the site, and my handiwork, for himself.

I've said for two decades that I'm going to have that scar turned into a true black hole, with stars tattooed around it as if they are being dragged into its depths.

I still think that would be cool.


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