Sunday, May 5, 2024

they're alive!!! Part 2

"This is not the droid you're looking for."
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
I couldn't resist... because resistance is futile!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
"Sorry to disrupt your giggling train of hilarity, as Sheldon might say, but those are not from the same science fiction franchise."

Hahahaha! I can just hear him now, saying those very words as he sadly shakes his head!
Yes, I know the difference between "Star Wars" and "Star Trek", but I missed doing anything related to lisping Jedi knights yesterday, so I had to make up for that lapse.

"Yes, dear."
So, tonight was another play by the Rambam 8th graders, and I was again with mi amiga, Barbara.
Sure, except that was a movie and this is a play.
"Okay, fine. And this was being held... where? At the Savannah Children's Theatre? 
That is correct! And on the main stage, too!
"Very cool!"
Yes, it was! "Comic Book Artist" was all about creativity coupled with magical "Pens of Pelopones" that could make any character drawn with them come to life!
"Hahahaha!!! A person could get in trouble with those!"
Hence, the theme of the play!
"Who's the kid in the crazy hat with all the medallions?"
He's the villain, Doctor Shock Clock. Want to take a wild guess what his power is?
"He can stop time, of course! Bwah ha ha!"
Exactly! So he can rule the world! He was drawn to put some pizzazz into Wonder Comics, but why they drew a villain first is beyond me! Hahaha!
"Yeah, that was poor planning, but fun for us!"
Correctomundo! And see that kid between the villain and the green-shirt guy? That's Stanley Leonardo Sappovitz, would-be cartoonist, if only he could get the boss to move him off sweeper duty. Thanks to the villain, he gets his big chance! He's in this photo, too, blocked by the green-shirt kid.

"Are you going to show any of his creations?"

Actually, three of them are in these two photos. Standing beside him in this one are Charisma Guy and Triple Time. And the creature in the mottled fur coat in the upper one? That's Wombat Woman!

"You have got to be kidding! Those don't sound like any evil-fighting bunch to me."
Well they are. Including Blossom, they're the Fabulous Four, able to defeat evil by being charming, speedy, totally organic, and burrowing!!! Woohoo!!

"What about Doc Shock Clock? He had no henchmen?"

He had one, Minuto, and she's wearing the shiny pointed helmet in this photo.

"That hardly seems like a fair fight..."

It wasn't! The Fabulous Four were losing until Stanley joined their forces, aided by the Eraser of Pelopones! Hahahaha! I would have liked to see some of those magic-makers!

"What a fun night out! And what a nice pairing of two plays, with this one having comic book characters coming to life, and the other having characters living outside their books!"

Right? And this was entirely fortuitous... but what a match!
Right place, right time... but don't tell Doctor Shock Clock!

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