Thursday, May 23, 2024

here! there! done!


I'm at the Savannah VA Center for the first of two appointments, and I'm actually there a tad early.

That calls for a bit of fun!

They finally have the pictures back up from when the walls were painted, so I took advantage of that.

My plan is to post this photo on fb and ask the question: is it real, or is it AI?

Knowing what a shutterbug I am, I'm sure they'll know!



My appointment with Dr. Peter Urban is finally done, and my bladder has been relieved.

He had his technician, Krystal, run several tests on my eyes after he was done, as he has some concern about the vision in my left eye.

But there's good news, too: the bug in my right eye is settling down!

Now it's time to see E. Carley, my favorite nutritionist!

I do so enjoy my time with her.



I'm getting new glasses for my birthday!

This pair will even have a different prescription from that of the previous three years.

I definitely wanted to get distinctive frames, so I'll be able to tell them apart easily, and was going for a deep red one until I tried on these.

Amazingly, they just disappeared from my face!!!

And, as I write this, I realize why: they are titty pink!

My guess is the optician calls it blush pink.


1:37 PM

Back in the civilian world, I arrived at the Citizens Center, assigned number B432.

Time to renew my driver's license... but, first, there's a catch.

Since I'm now 64+ the state has a visual test and form that must be completed.

That's one of the reasons I was with Dr. Urban longer than usual and had so much done, but he found my vision suitable to drive without glasses and signed the DDS-MR-274.

The whole process to renew, including getting a new photo taken, was maybe 20 minutes.

My hair is in low ponytails this time, and I do believe it's the best mug shot I've ever had!

Happy birthday to me!

Afterward, I walked next door to the Chatham County office to renew my car decal.

That took all of ten minutes.

Right place, right time!!!

4:14 PM

I'd gone to the Eisenhower post office, just down the street, to mail the bday12 gift to my niece, Aubree, over in Alabama.

I bought some more stamps, too.


4:34 PM

By the time I was done, I was ravenous!

Breakfast had been at 10 AM.

What restaurant would feed me RIGHT NOW???

Cici's Pizza, of course, and it was close at hand.

Within fifteen minutes of leaving the post office, I had pasta and salad to appease my growling stomach.

Within another five minutes I had my special-order pizza at my table.

Ah, yes, life is good!!!


And now I am home and everything is done which needed done.

Such a great satisfaction in that!


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