Monday, May 20, 2024

a recipe that works for the dane!

"The dane? You mean, THE Dane, the Prince of Denmark?"

No, I'm not talkin' 'bout Hamlet. I wish! This town has become pretty dry when it comes to having Shakespeare to quench my thirst. If not for "Romeo and Juliet" last month, I think it would have been four or five years since I had a drop of the Bard. Even so, that was only limited scenes from Savanna VOICE, in their 2020 streamings.

"What about that movie version of "MacBeth" with Denzel Washington?"

That was in 2022 and was, as you noted, a movie. What I crave is live, in the flesh, actors on a stage, enacting Shakespeare and letting his words ring out! The last of that had been in 2018, sadly. 2018!!! I had three plays that year, with two being in a single month. The first had been "Twelfth Night", first in June (so much fun that I saw it twice!), than again in November by  the Masquers. Also in November - in fact the very next night after the one in Jenkins Hall - was "King Lear", as the second one of the year from Savannah Shakes! Ah, having two nights in a row of that language certainly spoiled me, allowing me to think I could glut on those and have more forthcoming.

"Well, that troupe was destined to end then anyway, if you recall. They were doing the plays in different time periods, working back by the decades for modern settings."

Sure, but they only did eight of those works. There were plenty more to come!

"Nope. They had publicized what plays and what decades were being used. It was just a themed variation to exercise their creative muscles."

Whatever. I miss them. I do hope other troupes will take up the wealth of Shakespeare out there, now that SavArtsAcad has started the ball rolling again.

"Yes, dear. Now that we have that road thoroughly trampled, shall we look again at the title of this post and have it explained?"

Oh, of course. I had forgotten what I was doing here. Yes, the Dane is the American bull terrier that I'm petsitting. He had been on a hunger strike, kinda sorta, since Tuesday. I say "kinda sorta" on account of he had no issues with eating doggie cookies or munchie bones. He simply would not eat his dinner.

"I see. I thought you didn't take over until Wednesday. Right?"

Dane began his hunger strike on Tuesday, when he saw the truck was getting packed and found out he was not going with my brother and sis-in-law. He followed up that pout with me on Wednesday, refusing to eat his dinner. Fine by me. Thursday, I tried something different. First, I gave him a piece of cheese, to whet his appetite. Then, I made a big production out of opening the can of "filet mignon" food, chopping it up and mixing it with the dry stuff. Finally, with a grand flourish, I added some water to the empty can and poured it into his bowl, mixing it all in, making sure the dog was paying attention. Yes, he was! As soon as I set the bowl down, he was on it!!! He ate every morsel, too.

"Most excellent!"

I followed that up by serving him the same thing, in the same way, for the next three nights, with him joining "the clean plate club" each time.

"Uh, oh. I feel a change coming."

I saw only one more can of that flavor and needed to know if he would accept another. And he did! I gave him "ground beef" tonight, preparing it the same way, and, as a special treat, I let him dine on the front porch. Big win! He loved that change in his routine!

"Good for you!"

Thanks! I'm going to watch some "Castle" and "Sex In The City" later while he's busy watching the world go by. Woohoo!

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