Saturday, May 18, 2024

straight flush for the mermaid!

This little dancing seagull made a beeline straight to me after the show!

I could tell when she came out to the lobby that she was in search of someone... and I was it!

And why did this youngster look for me?

She wanted to thank me for being in the audience!!!

That just floored me.

What bravery for her to approach me  to say that!

I truly must get her name so I can watch for her in future productions at the SavChTh!


And here's the magical part: she wasn't the only one to thank me!!!

See that ocean-dwelling fish behind her?

That's Truman Nash, aka 'Flounder' (who I had recognized as the snake-oil selling barber in the previous show).

He had to wait after JoJo Ward - the ship pilot and the Royal Chef - had said thanks to me and given me his big bear hug!

Truman came up right after, and we had quite a nice conversation about theatre work, with me telling him about my time with the Masquers and A.C.T.O.R.

You know what he told me?

"You should go back to doing that!"

Good advice!

And did I mention that these folks all do their own makeup?


Dear Danielle Houston came up and thanked me, too, having recognized my laugh!

She was working backstage for this musical, not trodding the boards.

But 'King Triton' (Chris Bass) and 'Ursula' (Joan McKee) overheard and they thanked me for my enthusiasm and laughter, too!

That was my "in" to speak with them.

All I had to do was mention the name "Betsy Kameron" and they talked to me quite a while!

Chris has a daughter who is friends with Addison, and Joan lives right next door to Betsy!

Betsy had mentioned that she knew both of them at the S&K Friday Fiesta last night, when I had thought I was going to be here for the musical.

Nope, as it was sold out!!!

But Gloria encouraged me to come to this particular evening show as I "have such a good laugh and they need that!" - so of course I did!


Good thing, too, as the matinee today was also sold out.

So is the matinee tomorrow!

And just what musical am I talking about?

"The Little Mermaid", of course, as foretold by "Futurama"!

I saw this episode, about the undersea city "Atlanta" very early Friday morning, so I thought that was the push for last night.

Apparently that was just to prime my motor.

It also made sure I knew when to be here, with little mermaids in tow or not.

Their company would certainly be a sweet catch!

Perhaps at a future show?

But tonight was no coincidence.

As if the push from Frye and the nudge from Gloria weren't enough reason for me to be there, the Universe gave me this odometer reading with the straight flush mileage: 2 3 4 6 1 5.

Right place, right time.

Much gratitude to all!


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