Friday, May 10, 2024

it only takes a taste...

That song from "Waitress: The Musical" always brings to mind something Frank Sinatra once said, according to a book the bfe bought during my Midwest-Canada Adventure.
Here's the new obstetrician, recently moved to this small town, following his wife as she completes her internship at the local hospital.
There's the best pie maker in town, creating desserts as well as savory concoctions with unusual pairings of ingredients and quite fanciful names.
The Mermaid Marshmallow was the one she brought in to the OB-GYN office when she found herself unexpectedly knocked-up.
That pie had been a favorite of her previous doctor, the one she expected to see.
That one, the one she'd had since she was born forty years earlier, had retired.
So she found herself in the care of this young, odd, man who had not eaten pie for years.
She left it with him anyway... and it worked its magic on him, loosening him up to accept this new life he had in this new town.
The next time they meet is at the bus stop, him because his car had died, her because she had no car and always took the bus.
And as they talk, a spark flies between them.
"It only takes a taste, when you know it's good..."

That scene, and that song, are not the only reasons I love this movie.
The three waitresses - creative "Jenna", ditzy "Dawn", brash "Betty" - remind me of three others - "Alice", "Vera", "Flo" - in a TV show I like.
This movie even has a cranky cook - "Cal" - that mirrors the TV's "Mel".
However, no one makes pies on "Alice", and even if they did, they wouldn't call them stuff like "Betrayed By My Eggs" or "Pursuit Of Happiness".
I do like that spark of imagination!
Thanks, Comcast, for gifting me this $1 Movie Night reward.
So very good to see it again, even on my Element instead of a silver screen!
I'm going to enjoy it multiple times until Sunday night!

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