Thursday, May 2, 2024

how does the voice inside a deaf person's head sound?

That's one of those "things that make you go... hmmm", right?
I would imagine that if the deafness occurred later in life, then the person would still "hear" their own voice as they thought about whatever.
However, what vocalization would that inner voice have for someone born deaf?
What tone, what rhythm, what inflections would if have?
Why am I even thinking about that?
I watched "Boy Kills World" earlier today.
Yeah, I had to pay for it, as I've already finished off my A*List trio.
But I knew this was its final day in town, and I very much wanted to see it...
so I cashed in one of my $5 bonus rewards to defray the cost.
Why was I so hot to see it?
It sounded rather like "Tommy" to me.
Yes, that movie about the "deaf, dumb, and blind kid" that "sure plays a mean pinball"!
I knew that this guy was deaf and dumb, having been injured in his youth but left alive, though his mom and sister had been killed.
The voice in his head was that of the narrator of his favorite video game.
Somehow, that was the only voice he could remember ever hearing.
That voice, and a shaman who had trained him, led him on a path to kill the murderer of his family, an evil and rich ruler named Hilda Van Der Koy.
And this is a straight-up revenge flick for much of the time, with much similarity to actual video games in terms of violence and variety of weapons.
But then Boy finds out the "truth" he had been taught by the shaman was a lie...
and all the enemies he'd been trained to kill were not who the shaman said...
and Boy has to figure out who to trust.
It really was a good movie, though a bit gory at times.
Bill SkarsgÄrd was excellent as Boy, too, so I look forward to more movies with him.
And the ending was worth seeing again, for sure.

I guess it's good that it left me with questions.
Anyone know those answers?

It also left me with energy to burn, so I've mowed the back yard.
Specifically, I've mowed the -entire- back yard.
I can't tell you the last time I was able to do that and the Ryobi still have juice.
I've pulled up dandelions from the front yard, too.
It's amazing how well that green can hide in the green of the grass.
Those little yellow heads can't blend in, though!
That's how I was able to pull them up.
Okay, time for some dinner...
but hit me up if you have some answers, a'ite?

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