Tuesday, May 14, 2024

free at last, free at last, yvonne and cathy are free at last!

Today's three-hour retirement luncheon was in honor of these two women!

Hooray for them!!!

Cathy Mac (seated) will be flitting off to Michigan, her home state, with family nearby for the first time in more than thirty years.

Yvonne (standing) already has her daughter living in this area, so she'll be hanging tight while hanging out, but letting loose.

I am so very happy for both of them!


That's Donna Mullenax in the Armstrong t-shirt.

"Once A Pirate, Always A Pirate" - for sure!

Gotta love that West Virginia moxie!!!

She's the one who organized this event, so brava to her!

B&D Burgers set us up on the patio, too - perfect!


Nice to see some other familiar faces here!

These two fellows I've both seen fairly recently.

Brandon Quillian was at the ACS dinner in March.

As for Richard Wallace, it's been a bit longer.

That was last summer when I sat with him and his wife at "The Phantom Of The Opera".


As for these two fine fellows, it's been much longer ago!

I haven't seen Leon Jaynes (left), my former physics professor, since the 2017 year-end soiree at the Pirates' House!

As for Pete Zipperer, he and his lovely wife were both at "The Little Prince", in 2019, to see their grandson - and he was fabulous as the Pilot in that opera!!

Ah, those bonny, pre-pandemic, years!


And who do we have in this trio?

That's the ever-ebuliient Jim Lobue, the bfe, and Ria of Trinidad!

Jim retired last year, but still keeps an office, so he was able to share a ride with Ria, who was new to me, but quite engaging.

The physicist had bounced over to warn them about me - hahaha!

Too late!

Jim has retired and is free at last along with me, as are the old pros  Leon and Pete!

Welcome to the new world, Yvonne and Cathy!!!

I'm looking for others, like Suzy Carpenter, to join our ranks next year!


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