Saturday, July 6, 2024

farewell to a scientist from Mama's generation

I say that because Bev Blank was born in 1937, just as Mama had been.
That means Mama would have been 87 years old in December, had she not died in 2001 at the age of 62.
This photograph of Bev was at the reception.
This is how I remember her, this is how she looked when I first met her at one of the lesbian potlucks.
Those were the social events I attended during, and after, the divorce, safe spaces for me to hang out and talk and be me without judgement or unwanted advances.
Deborah Ray and KT Aull had encouraged me to come along with them for the first one, then I came on my own to the monthly gatherings at someone's house.
Everyone knew I was straight and no one cared that I was hobnobbing with the LGBT community.
Those were wonderful breaks from all the stress in my life!
And Bev had been one of the coolest people there.
As a retired microbiologist and we two scientists just gravitated toward each other, though we certainly talked of many other topics.
Had I known her age?
Perhaps, perhaps not, I don't recall.
Today, at the "Celebration of the Life of Beverly Elizabeth Blank", held at Asbury Memorial, I admit to being a little shocked when I saw she was born the same year as Mama.
I had expected her to be older than that, somehow.
Wonder if she or Mama ever saw that 1937 video I was treated to this morning?
How magical that I even saw it.
Right place, right time.

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