Wednesday, July 10, 2024

movies, brothers, and... church???

Hey, lookin' at my Gucci, it's about that time!
Compassion Christian East, the church both of my brothers attend, has started their "At The Movies" series again!
Tony had given me one of those blue movie tickets - yes, they've ramped up their game this summer - two weeks ago, so I've been looking forward to this!
And just what Hollywood tale was being matched up to a Biblical story for this first screening?
"Creed", with Michael B. Jordan as the illegitimate son of 'Apollo Creed', a former opponent and close friend of 'Rocky Balboa'.
Very nice to see him in this 2015 film!
The pastor likened the mentoring relationship between the aging former boxer, Rocky, and his young trainee, Donnie, to that which Paul had with Timothy, using quotes from various chapters in the Bible to support his thesis.
I wish we could have seen more of the movie, as we only saw those scenes that were pertinent to the sermon.
That meant we only saw Phylicia Rashad in the first part of the movie, when she is a widow who brings her husband's bastard out of juvenile detention to live with her.
That meant we also saw nothing of 'Donnie's' relationship with 'Bianca'.
That's okay, though, as it was a well-done tying together of something old with something new, using a sports motif to bring in the men.
It makes me wonder: what was the sermon for "The Super Mario Bros. Movie"?
That's what was chosen for the kids to watch.

I just may have to check out the kid flick in a future week of "At The Movies".
Meanwhile, I certainly had a good time with my brothers and "sisters"!
I'll see them in two weeks!

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